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Ace Pigeon of the Month May Middle Distance Herbots Championship 2024

12 Jun 2024

For the month of May we have not counted 4 flights as planned, but 3 flights, to give everyone the same rights and opportunities. Unfortunately, the first weekend of May was canceled for many provinces, so we have adjusted our rules. 

The gold and silver go to Dries Bombeke from Munte and the bronze goes to Patrick Lismont from Bekkevoort.

Ace pigeon middle distance

  1. Bombeke Dries (Munte) BE 22-4055321 1.00
  2. Bombeke Dries (Munte) BE 22-4055352 1.9034
  3. Lismont Patrick (Bekkevoort) BE 22-2101843 1.9061

1st place Bombeke Dries BE 22-4055321 1.00

11/05 7 Toury 2.575p
18/05 2 Vierzon 628p
25/05 100 Nat Bourges 24.006p

The winner here is a hen that flew 1 x middle distance and 2 x heavy middle distance. Both mothers of the 1st and 2nd place are full sisters of each other. This is the famous “Kyra” who became 14th Nat. Ace Pigeon longer middle distance KBDB 2018

2nd place Bombeke Dries BE 22-4055352 1.9034

11/05 8 Toury 2.575p
18/05 6 Vierzon 628p
25/05 153 Nat Bourges 24.006p

3rd place Lismont Patrick BE 22-2101843 1.9061

The bronze goes to Patrick Lismont with his 2-year old hen. The father of this hen is a proven top flyer in the sprint and was already father of 14th National Ace Pigeon Middle Distance KBDB 2022. The mother is a hen from PEC with the best line of “Dali”, “Boxster”, “Wacko Freddy ”.

11/05 8 Lorris 888p
18/05 23 Lorris 3.443p
25/05 7 Gien 2.076p