Alwin Petrie (Brummen) : from rich history to golden future
25 Feb 2025
As one of the best speed and one-day long distance players in the Eastern Netherlands, Alwin Petrie made a furore in the past decades! With super hen 'Gigi' and the help of daughter Maaike, he even climbed to the national top. For over forty years now, Alwin has produced champions ... from 'Porsche Bond' and 'Mister Bond' in the last century, to 'Gigi' and 'Olympic Dream' in the 00's. And 'New Porsche Bond' (1st Nat. ace pigeon young The Very Best 2019), 'La Nina' (2nd World Best Pigeon middle distance 2020), 'Indiana Diamond' (1st prov. ace pigeon middle distance 2022) and 'New Ace' (3rd Nat. ace pigeon old birds WHZB/TBOTB 2021) as new standard-bearers towards a golden future!
Pigeon families that manage to dominate pigeon racing for decades; they are very rare. Belgian icons such as Gebroeders Janssen, Familie Houben and Karel Meulemans are considered shining examples. The Netherlands has in Alwin Petrie a fancier who has been excelling for over 40 years with the same family of pigeons. When, as a teenager in 1984 and 1987, he invested all his savings with the then renowned Cees Suykerbuyk - with an unequalled 'Fameuze 05' Camphuis colony - he could not suspect that these gems are still at the basis of contemporary successes.
A golden history
In the Nineties, Alwin had his breakthrough in Dutch pigeon racing, leading icons such as 'Porsche Bond' (1st prov. ace pigeon) and 'Mister Bond' (6x 1st prize with a.o. 1st NPO Bourges 10,221 b.) to great heights. Two stars who were conscripted by Alwin's neighbours the Eijerkamp family, where they were partly behind an era of unprecedented Eijerkamp successes. Alwin himself always treated his golden bloodlines with the utmost care. New pigeons that were brought in had to prove themselves first and if they 'only' met 95% of the expectations, this complete bloodline was selected out again. This way, the 'Porsche Bond' dynasty always remained leading and only a few Van Loon and Lambrechts pigeons (via sports friend Henk Bussing) and the BE07-6079937 of Maurice Haesendonckx complemented the already present top class.
What is this top family of Petrie pigeons capable of? Throughout the years, countless 1st prizes in big competition against not seldom more than 10,000 pigeons were won ... ace-pigeon titles up to national and provincial level were Alwin's share ... and boxes full of silverware regarding championships achieved are in the attic. In the Netherlands well-known names were led by Alwin to an absolute star status, think next to 'Porsche Bond' and 'Mister Bond' of illustrious racers like
- 'Majesty' (1st ace pigeon 2001 and 2002 with e.g. 1st-10,973b.)
- His nest mate 'Maestro' (4x 1st prize with a/o 1st-11,591b. and 11,085b.)
- 'Mike' (4x 1st prize and 7th Nat. acebird all-round TBOTB 2004)
- Mr. Triumph' (1st-8,614b. and 1st-8,123b.)
- Hester' (2nd Nat. acebird long distance WHZB & TBOTB 2007)
- 'Shining Star' (1e-10,471b., 1e-8,350b. and 1e-4,716b.)
- 'Lancelot' (1st-7,154b., 1st-6,824b., 3rd NPO 5,800b.)
- 'Chanel' (1st prov. acebird GOU speed 2011 and 4th Nat. acebird speed TBOTB 2011)
- And of course 'Gigi' (1st-9,255b., 1st-5,858b. and 3rd Nat. acebird speed Europe Cup 2012).
In order not to delve too far into the past, some highlights at the highest level in the period 2019-2022 ... precisely also the period in which daughter Maaike discovered her love for pigeon racing and also independently took charge of a young and old pigeon division each year:
1st Nat. champion cat. 2 One-Day Fund Mirror Young 2020 - Maaike Petrie
1st Nat. young ace pigeon 'The Very Best' FCI 2019 with New Porsche Bond - Alwin Petrie
1st NL all-round pigeon young 6 prizes PIPA Ranking 2019 with New Porsche Bond - Alwin Petrie
1st Nat. young ace pigeon middle distance youth NPO 2019 with Maaike's Treasure - Maaike Petrie
1st Nat. champion youth shortfinch onaang. NPO 2021 - Maaike Petrie
1e Nat. champion youth NPO 2020 - Maaike Petrie
1e Nat. ace pigeon youth NPO 2020 - Maaike Petrie
1e prov. division 8 ace pigeon middle distance young 2019 with New Gigi - Alwin Petrie
1e prov. division 8 ace pigeon middle distance 2022 with Indiana Diamond - Alwin Petrie
2e Nat. ace pigeon middle distance World's Best Pigeon FCI 2021 with La Nina - Alwin Petrie
2nd Nat. champion youth short distance designated NPO 2021 - Maaike Petrie
3rd Nat. champion youth short distance undesignated NPO 2022 - Maaike Petrie
4th Nat. middle distance young pigeon PIPA Ranking 2020
4th Nat. young ace pigeon 'The Very Best' FCI 2019 with Maaike's Treasure - Maaike Petrie
5th prov. division 8 ace pigeon middle distance young 2019 with Maaike's Treasure - Maaike Petrie
5th Nat. best fancier WHZB/TBOTB 2020 - Alwin Petrie
6th Nat. ace pigeon young sprint NPO youth 2019 with 385/19 - Maaike Petrie
6th NL all-round pigeon young 6 prizes PIPA Ranking 2019 with Maaike's Treasure - Maaike Petrie
8th Nat. young ace pigeon middle distance NPO 2019 with New Gigi - Alwin Petrie
8th Nat. ace pigeon old 'The Very Best FCI 2021-22 with Indiana Diamond - Alwin Petrie
9th NL all-round pigeon young 6 prizes PIPA Ranking 2019 with New Gigi - Alwin Petrie
10th Nat. middle distance pigeon NL FCI Olympiad 2022 with Indiana Diamond - Alwin Petrie
1st NPO & NU Zone 2 Chateaudun 565 km 3.289b. 2019 with Chloé
2nd NPO Vierzon 616 km 3.993b. 2021 with Miss Vierzon
2nd NPO Morlincourt JD 359 km 8.903b. 2020 with 314/20
2nd NU Zone 2 Chateaudun 565 km 3.289b. 2019 with Farnese
3e NPO Morlincourt JD 359 km 8.903b. 2020 with 985/20
3e NPO Sens JD 481 km 3.905 b. 2019 with New Gigi
4e NPO Chateaudun 565 km 2.697b. 2022 with Indiana Diamond
5e Nat. S3 Sens 481 km 8.415 b. 2019 with New Gigi
5e NPO Chateaudun 565 km 7.270b. 2019 with Mouna
5e NPO Fay aux Loges 549 km 5.735b. 2020 with New Gigi
5e NPO Issoudun 648 km 5.595 b 2019 with Farnese
5e Afd. 8 Zuid Melun 456 km 3.786b. 2022 with 943/21
The years 2023/2024 were all about 'a new start' for Alwin. Due to circumstances, a good focus on the pigeons was not possible and Alwin did not want to overburden Maaike in her exam year with taking care of the pigeons, however crazy she is about the pigeons. It was decided to move all top flyers to the breeding loft by the end of 2022 - a formula that had always yielded success in the past as well. In 2023, they did not play the full programme - also just went on holiday during the season - and in 2024, too, they took a 'calm approach'. Yet Maaike in particular still managed to put herself very emphatically in the spotlight with 'the small basket', with e.g. the 4th designated sprint championship in division 8 in 2024, also 1st designated sprint in the South-East region with the 1st ace pigeon sprint in Samenspel (with a granddaughter of 'Gigi') ... In 2023, Maaike became 1st unassigned sprint champion in Samenspel and in the National Youth Championships (independent under 25) she became 2nd Nat. sprint unassigned. 2024 - 3rd Nat. sprint unassigned 2023 - 6th Nat. sprint designated 2023 - 6th Nat. sprint designated 2024 - 9th Nat. best fancier unassigned 2024 - 10th Nat. middle distance unassigned 2024
Gigi' - a unique stock pigeon
Underlying many of the above successes is wonder fairy 'Gigi', easily one of Alwin's most wonderful pigeons ever. In her racing career, this super hen excelled with a.o:
1st prov. GOU Peronne 9,255b. 2010
1st NPO Breuil le Vert 5,858b. 2011
1st Strombeek 1,271b. 2010
1st Meer 432b. 2010
3rd Nat. middle distance pigeon NL Europa Cup 2012
5th Nat. ace pigeon short distance TBOTB 2010
Father of 'Gigi' is 'Golden Jubilee', inbred grandson of the legendary 'Porsche Bond' ... mother is direct Maurice Hasendonckx and granddaughter of his icons 'Goede Jaarling' and 'Kleine Blauwe'.
'Gigi' quickly proved to be an excellent breeding pigeon! From 2012, she was used for breeding and 3 generations of descendants flew the following highlights within a few years:
1st Nat. young ace pigeon 'The Best' 2019
1st Nat. ace pigeon young all-round 6 prizes PIPA 2019
1st Nat. ace pigeon young middle distance NPO youth members 2019
1st & 5th prov. GOU ace pigeon middle distance young 2019
1st Xuzhou Huishang Int. OLR final 500 km 3,744b. & car winner 2017
4th Nat. ace pigeon young 'De Allerbeste' 2019
6th Nat. ace pigeon young all-round 6 prizes PIPA 2019
7th Nat. ace pigeon young middle distance NPO 2019
8th Nat. ace pigeon young middle distance 3 prizes NPO 2019
9th Nat. ace pigeon all-round young 6 prizes PIPA 2019
1st prov. Venlo 18,965b.
1st NPO Chateaudun 3,417b. / 4th Nat.SIII 8,815b.
1st s-prov. Bierges 7,088b.
4th NPO Laon 11,148b.
5th NPO Sens 8,415b.
5th NPO Fay Aux Loges 5,735b.
6th NPO Fay aux Loges 7,793b.
8th NPO Sens 3,905b.
11th NPO Chateaudun 4,058b.
In recent years, it turned out that almost all the best Petrie pigeons have the 'Gigi' genes. It indicates that we are talking about a real progenitor here. 'Gigi' herself gave her last youngsters in 2022 but her influence within the Petrie colony is still extremely present.
'New Porsche Bond' - 1st National ace youngster
On to the best Petrie racers of the last lustrum - now strong holders of the breeding team. Starting with NL19-1433601 'New Porsche Bond', outstanding as a young pigeon and thus doubly crowned 1st National ace pigeon:
1st Nat. ace pigeon young 'De Allerbeste' (FCI conditions) 2019
1st Nat. young all-round pigeon (6 pr) PIPA 2019
1st Bierges 506b. (also 6th 1,548b.)
1st Niergnies 396b. (also 2nd 1,101b.)
8th NPO Sens 3,905b.
9th Nanteuil 761b.
17th Tienen 3,734b.
20th Tienen 1,908b.
He was bred by Alwin's good friend Henk Bussing, with whom Alwin has exchanged pigeons for many years. 'New Porsche Bond' is therefore a 100% Petrie pigeon. Father of 'New Porsche Bond' is grandson 'Gigi', mother comes from the famous 'Brummenaar' with 10x 1st prize and basic breeder with Henk Bussing and brother of 'Majesty' and 'Maestro'. 'New Porsche Bond' bred among others already the '282/22' with 2x 1st prize
From the same vintage as 'New Porsche Bond' is NL19-1417339 'New Gigi', also a National topper as a young pigeon. Father of 'New Gigi' is a 100% Stefaan Lambrechts pigeon and is out of a sister 'Super 188' (2nd Nat. ace pigeon middle distance KBDB 2013) and mother is the top flyer 'Gigi's Little Girl', 16th Nat. ace pigeon old De Allerbeste and direct daughter of 'Gigi' ... 'New Gigi' won a.o:
8th Nat. ace young middle distance 3 prizes NPO 2019
9th Nat. ace young all-round 6 prizes PIPA 2019
15th Nat. ace young middle distance WHZB/TBOTB 2019
22nd Nat. ace young all-round WHZB/TBOTB 2019
Winner of 3x 1st prize
1st Quievrain 455b. / 7th s-prov. 6,091b.
5th NPO Sens 8,415b.
5th NPO Fay Aux Loges 5,735b.
2nd region Nanteuil 761b. / 16th NPO 1,879b.
7th region Quievrain 6,091b.
8th region Melun 559b.
11th NPO Fay Aux Loges 9,218b.
11th prov. Nanteuil 9,032b.
14th region Quievrain 1,202b.
'New Gigi' has already bred 1st prize winners and a half-brother became 19th Nat. ace pigeon for Maaike Petrie in short distance NPO youth 2019. Other half-brothers and sisters won 3rd NPO Morlincourt 8,903 d. ... 13th & 16th region Maastricht 5,846 d. ... 24th NPO Nanteuil 7,509 d. ... 25th NPO Laon 11,148 d. ... etc.
Top hen NL14-1662101 'Olympic Dream' owes her name to the claim she seemed to have for Olympiad participation in 2017 ... that dream may have faded, but with the palmares below, this hen is a true crack:
1st Boxtel 2,396b. 2018
1st Geel 568b. / 4th region 6,217b.2018
1st Geel 509b. / 2nd region 6,739b. 2018
1st Quievrain 360b. / 3rd region 4,624b. 2018
1st Nanteuil 220b. / 6th region 2,211b. 2017
3rd Reusel 470b. 2015 after 2 loftmates
4th Nanteuil 219b. 2018
6th Laon 186b. 2017
10th Epernay 250b. 2017
'Olympic Dream' was already growing into an important pawn in the Petrie breeding team ... she already became the mother of, among others:
16th Nat. ace young Fondspiegel 2020
1st Dizy Le Gros 367b.
1st Melun 234b. / 17th prov. 7,291b.
3rd NPO Morlincourt 8,903b.
13th region Maastricht 5,846b.
13th region Morlincourt 4,288b.
16th region Maastricht 5,846b.
18th region Bierges 4,891b.
24th NPO Nanteuil 7,509b.
25th NPO Laon 11,148b.
She is a full sister to 'Olympic Penelope', Olympiad pigeon 2011 including 1st Afschaffenburg 3,009 b. ... She is daughter of the Olympiad pair 'Bond Schallie' (full brother 'Gigi') x 'Mother Penelope'
Yet another typical Petrie hen and absolute star flyer is NL18-1649503 'New Ace' ... bred from a half-brother of 'Gigi' x daughter of 'Brummenaar' (top son base pair Petrie). 'New Ace' had a rich career with no less than 59 prizes (no doubles) of which no less than 42 prizes per dozen and 8 prizes per hundred ... an outstanding record! Highlights include:
7th Nat. ace pigeon old WHZB/TBOTB 2021
19th Nat. ace pigeon middle distance PIPA 2021
17th Nat. ace pigeon middle distance De Allerbeste 2021
1st Tienen 460b. / 2nd regio 5.819b. 2018
1st Chimay 327b. / 3rd Kring 1.659b. 2022
2nd Quievrain 249b. / 35th regio 4.009b. 2021
18th Chimay regio 1.879b. 2022
17th Reims regio 2.261b. 2021
8e Kring Chalons 1,579b. / 15th regio 3,347b. 2021
12e regio Quievrain 5,903b. 2019
13e regio Chalons 3,088b. 2019
15e region Chalons 3,348b. 2021
19e prov. Nanteuil 9.032b. 2020
20th NPO Fay aux Loges 9.218b. 2020
25th prov. Morlincourt 6 385b. 2021
A hen with exceptional potential is NL18-5160173 'La Nina' ... yet another 'Gigi' descendant that endorses the class of this bloodline ... 'La Nina' especially excelled in 2020 with 5x 1:100 prizes and the following result:
2nd World Best Pigeon middle distance 2020
1st Sezanne 144b. / 8th region 4,128b.
= 20th provincial 9,303b. 2020
2nd region Etroueng 6,652b. after loftmate
= 3rd provincial 11,139b. 2020
10th prov. Nanteuil 9,032b. 2020
11st NPO Chateaudun 4,058b. 2020
14th region Quievrain 4,624b. 2018
37th prov. Chalons 20,306b. 2020
'Nina' is yet another pigeon with a typical Petrie pedigree ... father is son of 'Gigi' and mother granddaughter of 'Brummenaar'
The last Petrie pigeon in the spotlight is NL20-1255044 'Indiana Diamond' ... daughter of 'Eureka Diamond', herself a.o. 2nd regional ace middle distance and half-sister of 'Gigi'. She was paired with a descendant of the famous 'Blue Van 84' Louis Van Loon. 'Indiana Diamond' won in 3 years no less than 41 prizes (without doubles) of which 31 per dozen and 9 per hundred. It led to the titles including:
1st prov. GOU ace pigeon middle distance 2022
8th Nat. ace pigeon old de Allerbeste 2021-2022
10th Nat. ace pigeon middle distance FCI Olympiad competition 2022
11th Nat. ace pigeon middle distance de Allerbeste 2021-2022
17th Nat. ace pigeon middle distance de Allerbeste 2021
18th Nat. ace pigeon all-round de Allerbeste 2021-2022
She won a.o. the following prizes:
1st Quievrain 239b. / 10e Kring 2.152b. 2022
2nd Morlincourt 728b. / 9e prov. GOU 6.385b. 2021
4th NPO Zuid Chateaudun 2.697b. 2022
4th regio Melun 1.807b. 2022
21st regio Bierges 6.047b. 2021
23rd prov. GOU Niergnies 10.021b. 2022
24e regio Niergnies 2.317b. 2021
28th NPO Nanteuil 7.509b. 2020
48e prov. Nanteuil 5.809b. 2022
50th prov. GOU Morlincourt 20.278b. 2022
Alwin and Maaike are convinced that transferring the best racers to the breeding loft will be the basis for new successes. Asked for references, Alwin nonchalantly replies "there are so many, I don't keep track of them anymore" ... only to hastily add "what I really like is that pigeon friends to whom I sometimes donate a pigeon, are successful with it ... such as veterinarian Nanne Wolf, who won the 1st NPO Issoudun 677 km against 3.864 d. (with 'Nanne's Surprise') ... and sport friend Albert Roording, who borrowed a son of 'Gigi' for several years and bred several 1st prize winners and Teletext pigeons from it (with 'Son Gigi 248'). I think that's the charm of pigeon racing, the different friendships you make. But the best thing is that pigeon sport is a real family sport here, with the whole family waiting for the pigeons in the garden on Saturdays and Maaike even being a very fanatical and successful independent pigeon fancier ... I enjoy that every day!"
Some great results from Alwin and Maaike over the last five years:
Etroeungt Regio 276 km 6.652 d.: 1-2-10-16-25-29-30-etc.
Tongeren Regio 153 km 5.704 d.: 1-3-8.-etc.
Melun Prov. 456 km 5.583 d.: 1-10-12-15-17-49-54-etc.
Tienen Regio 167 km 3.077 d.: 1-etc.
Chateaudun Regio 565 km 911 d.: 1-2-14-37-40-etc.
NPO 3.272 d.: 1-4-38-95-etc.
Niergnies Regio 299 km 2.708 d.: 1-21-22-etc.
Prov. GOU 9.279 d.: 7-75-76-140-etc.
Chateaudun Kring 565 km 655 d.: 1-14-15-33-etc.
Regio 2.115 d.: 1-28-29-etc.
NPO Zuid 3.777 d.: 2-65-68-etc.
NPO 7.270 d.: 5-etc.
Melun Regio 456 km 1.807 d.: 1-2-3-4-6-8-9-12-etc.
Prov. GOU Zuid 3.786 d.: 5-7-8-14-20-23-24-etc.
Issoudun Regio 648 km 1.584 d.: 1-3-12-etc.
NPO Zuid 2.778 d.: 3-7-19-etc.
NPO 5.595 d.: 5-13-33-etc.
Quievrain Regio 256 km 1.202 d.: 1-6-7-8-10-11-12-13-14-etc.
Morlincourt NPO 359 km 8.903 d.: 2-3-9-32-33-34-35-36-etc.
Quievrain Regio 256 km 3.327 d.: 2-13.-etc.
Prov. GOU 13.403 d.: 7-20-59-91-etc.
Ch. En Champ Kring 374 km 1.691 d.: 2-23-31-etc.
Prov. GOU 17.360 d.: 6-etc.
Morlincourt Regio 359 km 1.509 d.: 2-4-5-6-7-9-13-21-22-23-etc
Prov. GOU 6.385 d.: 7-9-10-12-13-15-25-etc.
Niergnies Regio 299 km 1.101 d.: 2-5-6-17-23-41-51-83-etc.
Vierzon Regio 616 km 995 d.: 2-16-etc.
NPO 3.933 d.: 2-45-etc.
Nanteuil Regio 409 km 761 d.: 2-6-9-12-25-29-30-35-etc.
NPO Zuid 1.879 d.: 16-29-73-88-etc.
Morlincourt Regio 359 km 743 d.: 2-3-15-18-48-71-74-etc.
NPO 5.612 d.: 12-24-86-95-etc.
Sens Regio 481 km 622 d.: 2-4-10-13-14-20-34-35-etc.
NPO 3.905 d.: 3-8-54-67-72-etc.
Melun Regio 463 km 559 d.: 2-7-8-12-15-19-20-26-etc.
NPO 2.659 d.: 6-27-34-53-59-87-etc.
Niergnies Regio 299 km 2.317 d.: 2-6-23-24-33-etc.
Niergnies Kring 299 km 1.186 d.: 1-2-3-8-9-12-15-25-etc.
Prov. GOU 11.764 d.: 9-10-15-45-46-etc.
Bierges Regio 188 km 6.047 d.: 4-5-21-etc.
Bierges Regio 188 km 1.372 d.: 4-47-61-65-69-78
Chateaudun Regio 565 km 1.528 d.: 4-14-17-24-etc.
NPO 5.171 d.: 12-51-63-etc.
Chimay Regio 263 km 5.807 d.: 5-6-17-31-etc.
Quievrain Regio 256 km 2.681 d.: 5-8-13-21.-27-etc.
Niergnies Regio 299 km 2.435 d.: 5-14-15-17-18-etc.
La Ferte S/A Regio 575 km 1.852 d.: 5-9-20-etc.
NPO 6.865 d.: 6-13-43-etc.
Morlincourt Regio 359 km 4.975 d.: 6-7-14-15-23-27-29-etc.
Prov. GOU 20.278 d.: 21-22-30-31-41-48-50-etc.
Chimay Regio 263 km 3.540 d.: 6-16-22-40-59-etc.
Sezanne Regio 416 km 2.238 d.: 6-7-8-17-etc.
Prov. GOU 9.393 d.: 20-21-22-66-etc.
Niergnies Regio 299 km 2.661 d.: 8-9-12-27-etc.
Prov. GOU 10.021 d.: 21-23-28-66-etc.
Especially for internet sales Pigeon Bids, Alwin bred and selected a beautiful group of pigeons all born from his very best pigeons
This sale ends Thursday 27 February at 2pm.