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Bart & Nance Van Oeckel and caretaker Kjenten experience another top weekend at Noyon, Sermaises, Souillac National and Argenton National

21 Jul 2024

Oud-Turnhout - The team of Bart and Nance Van Oeckel, together with their faithful caretaker Kjenten, is once again the team to beat. Last weekend, they were successful on both national races from Argenton and Souillac and on the races from Noyon and Sermaises. The absolute highlight was their provincial victory in the old pigeons from Souillac.

A Weekly Habit

It seems to be becoming a weekly habit by now to congratulate Bart, Nance and Kjenten, but after another such impressive weekend, we can't help ourselves. They basketed a total of 48 pigeons for the flights from Argenton and Souillac, of which no fewer than 17 pigeons finished in the top 100 nationally.


On the national flight from Souillac, team Van Oeckel won the 1st provincial prize with BE21-6087835, better known as "F-Adje", against 383 old birds. Nationally, this pigeon flew to 5th place against 4,673 old birds. Not only the old birds, including "F-Adje", performed excellently, the yearlings also made themselves heard. A remarkable fact: the pigeon (BE22-6062552) which won the 1st national Limoges on 5 July 2024 was again basketed for Souillac and again finished outstanding with a 3rd place provincial and 24th national.

Resultats Souillac 14/07/24 (761km)
National 4.673 old birds: 5-24-32-85-... (6/7)
National zone 953 old birds: 1-5-6-22-... (6/7)
National 4.073 yearlings: 3-7-20-56-65-80-84-... (12/23)
National zone 863 yearlings: 2-3-5-14-15-17-19-34-46-48-... (12/23)


Although there was no provincial victory at Argenton, the Van Oeckel team delivered at least as impressive a performance there.
Results Argenton 14/07/24 (581km)
National 8.343 old birds: 14-... (2/3)
National zone 1.044 old birds: 4-... (2/3)
National 11.777 yearlings: 4-5-17-46-79-110-... (9/15)
National zone 1.421 yearlings: 2-3-9-19-33-41-54-60-79-... (9/15)

Pigeon BE21-6087698, a daughter of top pigeon "F-Hao Hao", is ranked as the best old pigeon in Belgium on five major middle distance races and holds 2nd place in the intermediate ranking of the KBDB National Ace Pigeon G.M.D.. At Argenton, this pigeon achieved 14th place nationally against 8.343 old birds.

Noyon and Sermaises

The team also performed excellently on the shorter distances.
Results Noyon 14/07/24 (240km)
Top 100 provincial (4,420 old + yearlings): 8-20-49-76-... (4/6)

Results Sermaises 13/07/24 (393km)
Top 100 provincial (2,503 old + yearlings): 8-17-20-32-35-37-39-41-60-61-71-...


At the national championships, the team also continues to perform strongly and Bart, Nance and Kjenten are on course to add some great titles to their already impressive record. Among the yearlings, they are ranked with the 3rd best pigeon in Belgium on six great middle distance flights and in the intermediate ranking of the KBDB National Ace Pigeon G.M.D. for yearlings in 5th place. The previously mentioned pigeon BE21-6087698 stands as the best old pigeon of Belgium on five great middle distance flights and holds 2nd place in the intermediate ranking of the KBDB National Ace Pigeon G.M.D..

We once again wish Bart, Nance and Kjenten heartfelt congratulations and good luck with the rest of the season and the apotheosis of the championships to come.

Maarten Herbots