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Daan Rego from Wijer wins 1st Provincial Sens 9,487 birds

17 May 2024

No less than ten years ago we visited the Daan Rego colony from Wijer in Limburg for the first time. Now 10 years later, he has had a top 2023 season and the 2024 team is back on track. With 3 regional victories, they are once again a few winners richer and he immediately strikes in the first provincial flight of the season. His yearling widower wins the 1st Provincial Sens against 9,487 pigeons with a strong headwind. The team achieved a fantastic result and both this winner and the other regional winner are linked to “Djiefke”. This is the pigeon for which we visited 10 years ago, when he won 1st Provincial Gien against 7,916 pigeons. There are several descendants of this top pigeon in the breeding loft who provide fantastic results.

Top results 2024

3 x 1st Central Limburg

Laon 1.262 yearlings : 8,10,12,15,16,17,30,39,39,41,43,47,48,69,74,… 38/55
Laon 1.818 old birds : 1,5,6,7,13,43,43,43,48,53,64,68,76,78,… 37/50
Sens 1.884 old birds : 1,5,9,12,20,23,36,47,48,50,66,68,78,96,… 35/
Sens yearlings :  1,2,5,8,37,52,7176,77,98,… 18/37
Sens 3.029 old and yearlings : 1,2,4,9,10,15,19,20,28,32,49,59,68,73,94,… 53/83
Sens Provincial 9.487 old and yearlings : 1,10,14,53,54,77,87,94,153,164,224,264,304,308,329,… 47/83

Racing team on total widowhood

The racing team is largely raced in total widowhood, but there are more hens than cocks, which means that some of the cocks stay at home. All racing pigeons have raised a round of youngsters in the winter, so they are permanently paired. If there are losses during the season, those pigeons are then paired again with another cock or breeding cock that joins the team to keep each pigeon motivated. It is taken into account that the partner will find a new partner at approximately the same height and place in the loft.

In their preparation the pigeons flew 2x Mettet, 3 x Chimay and 1x Laon. In between, the pigeons were kept at home for one weekend due to bad weather and the sexes were not allowed to see each other. The pigeons were not taken away extra that week, only they were allowed to train all week, which also means every day during the weekend to keep them moving.

In terms of training, the pigeons do this once a day and they complete the hour quickly. Now that the middle distance is underway, the hens train on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The cocks can sometimes come out on Thursday morning, but the hens cannot.

Pigeons never come together on the speed flights before basketing, because Laon had come super well the week before, we did not let them together at Sens yet. The season is still long to fuel motivation. When they return home, the pigeons first go together in the hallway where they can drink. After half the team returns home, they are then placed per loft and per couple so that they do not mourn in the box or fight with another couple as their partner. isn't home yet. After the flight they always stay together until 4 o'clock in the afternoon. If they return home later, they stay together until the early evening.

Winner Sens

BE 23-5035112 Blue White Headed Cock

Won 1 Provincial Sens 9,487 pigeons and previously 1st Sourdun 272p – 4 Laon 371p – 8 Sourdun 134p – 14 Chimay 4,001p – 19 Vervins 1,475p – 20 Nanteuil 2,092p – 52 Dizy 3,320p

Father BE 18-5081704 Den 704
Proven top breeder and father of “827/21” 1 Prov Sourdun 1,683p – 2 Prov Gien 
Father of “828/21” 8 Nat Bourges 7,270p
Father of “021/23” 1 Laon 806p
Son of “014/ 14” Witkop Triple Bosmans Leekens is a son of super breeder “Olympic Triple Ace” x “661/15” Daughter Djiefke 2 Nat Ace Pigeon middle distance KBDB 2014.

Mother BE 19-5013934 De 934 Hen– Bosmans – Leekens
Mother of “827/21” 1 Prov Sourdun 1,683p – 2 Prov Gien
Daughter of “595/13” Son Blauw Kannibaal Junior (100% Dirk Van Dyck) x “943/16” Granddaughter Cow girl

BE 21-5028804 Checkered Cock

  1 Sens                1.884p
  1 Laon                1.183p
  6 Prov Sens       5.749p
16 Melun              2.010p
18 Orléans           4.176p
23 Chimay           4.689p
34 Nat Bourges  9.992p
43 Sens                2.225p
52 Lorris               1.687p
52 Melun              1.707p
172 Lorris             8.348p

Father BE 17-5089318 Checkered
Won himself 19 Nat. Ace Pigeon middle distance KBDB 2019
Won a.o. 3 Gien 3,049p – 10 Sens 5,080p – 13 Sens 1,171p – 16 Soissons 1,441p – 22 Chimay 4,706p - 29 Gien 1,055p – 38 Sens 9,473p – 40 Sourdun 4,375p– 75 Chimay 4,450p – 76 Gien 7,487p – 87 Gien 8,722p
Full brother of “Marijke” 1 Prov Sezanne 13,277p
Son of “161/09” Den 161 won 1 Vervins 362p – 4 Gien 5,231p – 7 Vervins 991p – 10 Nevers 674px “013/14” Triple Goud Bosmans – Leekens is sister of “Olympic Triple Nena”

Mother BE 17-5089266 Daughter Djiefke
Won herself 8 Sourdun 732p – 8 Chevrain 1,413p – 14 Sens 1,171p – 22 Sourdun 1,736p - 47 Sourdun 1,969p – 48 Laon 2,022p
Daughter of “217/11” Djiefke 2 Nat Ace Pigeon middle distance KBDB 2014 x “ 586/14”

"Diefjke" the class bird of 2014 that provides fantastic offspring and was never sold.

We wish Daan and his parents congratulations on this victory from the entire HERBOTS TEAM.

Buelens Kim