Eddy Janssens (Zandhoven) 1st General Champion middle distance “Union Antwerpen” 2024
10 Mar 2025
With Eddy Janssens, ‘Union Antwerpen’ can crown a fine name as 1st General Champion middle distance. Eddy came into contact with pigeon racing through his father. When he was hospitalised, Eddy took over the care of the entire colony and the ‘pigeon virus’ struck immediately. Three weeks later, his name was already at the top of the results and now, so many years later, Eddy is a full time pro.
“Meneerkes” en “Madammekes”
Eddy is not the man to blow high from the tower. No... he is rather self-critical and knows that tomorrow could turn out differently.
‘In pigeon racing, luck plays a very big role’ Eddy starts his story ’Being lucky that a certain pair is put together and then being lucky that the offspring makes your colony even stronger. I have that luck through the couple ‘Snooker’ x ‘Nance’, among others.
‘Snooker’ B15-6092147 is a full brother to “Thelma” (12th Nat. ace pigeon KBDB ½ Fond youngsters) - “Louise” (21st Nat. ace pigeon KBDB ½ Fond youngsters) - “New Louise” (13th Nat. ace KBDB ½ Fond young birds) - ‘La Mama’ (mother of topper ‘Unoduetre’) - ‘Father Aske Paul’ (Father 1st ace ‘Union West’ 2024) - ‘Mother Lotte’ (mother of 20th Nat. ace pigeon speed young birds and 1st ace ½ Fond yearling ‘Union Antwerp’)
‘Snooker’ is a son of “Propere Emiel” (Van den Branden/Hermans) x “Daughter Super 53” (Comb. Atema)
‘Nance": ’ B15-6059382 - original Van Oeckel Bart & Nance
Born of topper ‘Gaston Junior’ (won 1st prov. Salbris and is father of 1st Nat. Chateauroux (fastest of 24,780b.) - 3rd Nat. Argenton 11,215b. - 3rd Nat. Chateauroux 18,799b. - 7th and 9th Nat. Chateauroux 2,850b. - 13th Nat. Limoges 10,319b. - 14th Nat. Limoges 15,981b. - 1st Prov. Libourne etc.) x ‘Witty’ (original Geerinckx and born of ‘1st Nat. Limoges 11,869b.’ x ‘2nd Nat. Chateauroux 17,109b.’)
‘Snooker’ x “Nance” are the proud parents of:
‘Schoon Madammeke": 2nd Belgian Olympiad pigeon Poznan 2019
Won - without doubles: 1st/643d. - 1st/1,225d. - 4th/622d. - 6th Nat. Argenton 3,322d. - 6th/604d. - 7th/1,482d. - 7th/750d. - 7th/744d. - 9th/3,621d. - 15th/1,513d. - 24th/2,516d. - 69th/7,332d. - etc.
Is in turn mother of: ‘Schoon Remus": 1st Quievrain 1,395d. - 1st Melun 626d. (2nd fastest of 7,000d.) - 1st Quievrain 306d. - ‘101-21’: mother of ‘Bolleke’: 1st Melun 1,798d. (2nd fastest prov. 10,373d.) - 2nd Noyon 1,319d. - 2nd Melun 446d. - 3rd Noyon 958d. - 3rd Sermaises 397d. ‘201-21’ is mother of “420” (1st Nat (z) and 9th Nat Bourges 18,785d.) and “171” (7th Nat Souillac 4,073b.) with Van Oeckel.
“Laat Madammeke”:
Is mother of ‘Power 006’, won - without doubles: 13th Nat. Bourges 18,729b. (1st/587b.) - 1st/1,135b. - 1st/457b. - 2nd/396b. - 2nd/1,225b. - 2nd/748b. - 3rd/464b. - 3rd/486b. - 5th/710b. - 5th/1,084b. - 7th/958b. - 8th/2,062b. - 8th/823b. - 10th/724b. - 10th/595b.
Is mother of ‘ “113-21”: 3rd/489b. - 3rd/1,412b. - 5th/417b.
Is mother of: ‘214-21’ is father of: 9th Nat. Argenton 17,666b. - 17th Nat. Argenton 11,777b.
Is mother of ‘567-19’: 1st Chevrainvilliers 1,373b.
Is mother of ‘671-19’: 2nd Sermaises 3,735b. (2nd fastest prov. + 13,000b.) - 2nd Melun 1,106b. - 4th Melun 1,433b.
“Schoon Meneerke”:
Is father of ‘Leentje’, winner of: 4th Nat. ace pigeon KBDB young birds 2021 - 1st Melun 856b. - 2nd Auxerre 937b. - 2nd Auxerre 916b. (9th/6,660b.) - 5th Quievrain 580b. - 10th Sermaises 1,292b.- 13th Sermaises 1,547b. - 14th Toury 1,456b. - 17th Melun 1,852b. - 18th Noyon 633b. - etc.
Is father of ‘Brother Leentje’ (227-23), winner of: 1st Melun 1,523b. - 2nd Melun 1,425b. and in turn already father of 3rd Sermaises 769b. - 3rd Melun 818b.
‘Vuil Madammeke": won 1st Melun 601b. - 7th Melun 851b. - co-winner 1st Nat. championship KBDB great middle distance old and yearling 2017
‘Klein Madammeke": 25th Nat. Chateauroux 17,269b.
‘Gijs": 8th Nat. Bourges 38,456b. - 96th Nat. Chateauroux 18,499b. - 2nd Noyon 489b. - etc.
‘109-17": 61st Nat. Bourges 38,456b.
What a luxury as a fancier to have such ultra strong basic line. Knowing that these are not the only toppers in the Janssens Eddy home, no further explanation is needed about the pure class of this Antwerp loft.
The first basic pigeons
The first basic pigeons were the old type of father, which went back to Jos De Bruyn, Massenhoven. Further pigeons were added from André Bellens, Zandhoven and Jos Dillen, Zandhoven. ‘Wittekop Joske’ (Jos Dillen) was the most important pigeon in the initial period. Also the pigeons of Dirk Van Dyck, Zandhoven from before the time of the ‘Kannibaal’ did very well. Later pigeons from Miel Van Den Branden, Zandhoven or the breeding loft of Rik Hermans were added. The ‘Propere Miel’ became a basic breeder. Furthermore, pigeons from Marcel Wouters, Westmalle and the children of the ‘Ad’ and the ‘Leeuw’ did very well. Eddy also did very well with pigeons from Danny Van Dyck.
Bart Gillis, Arendonk is another case apart. He lost some youngsters in 2009. Eddy still had some youngsters left (7) and Bart could go and get them. ‘Rihanna’ flew excellent and became a breeding mother in Arendonk. Now a son of ‘Rihanna’ is a breeder with Eddy Janssens. We had a similar story with Danny Van Dyck and Rik Hermans. Eddy served them with good pigeons and now they have done the same with Eddy.
Verder hebben we de Combinatie Atema, Noordbergum met twee kinderen van olympiadeduif “Super 53”. Meer recent maar goed gelukt hebben we dan nog de namen van Combinatie Van Panhuis, Meppen... Bart & Nance Van Oeckel, Oud-Turnhout en Leo Broeckx-Van Hees, Oud-Turnhout.
With hens
Eddy: ‘In 2024 I only played with hens and this will also be the case for the 2025 season. Reason... among my youngsters I always have better hens than cocks. Last season there were 22 hens among my 25 best youngsters.
The hens are raed as in many places. Same methods already described in reports about other fanciers. Maybe one more thing I experienced in my own loft. A fancier from Malta once told me that playing pigeons breed condition on their racing loft and not in an aviary. I didn't ignore this remark and the next season I didn't put the racing hens - during the season - in the aviary but left them in the loft and their performance improved. Now I have to say that I live in an open area here, where the wind has a lot of free play. Maybe that is the reason why it is better for my pigeons to be in the loft to breed condition. Who will say?
Best results old birds on the middle distance 2024
11 Mei: 1496 d.: 1,7,11,37,44,46,56,57,66,68,94,108,129,142, enz. 18/28.
18 Mei: 1132 d.: 1,2,8,16,25,33,46,53,60,88,enz. 15/25.
25 Mei: 1015 d.: 27,38,61,78,79,enz. 8/8.
8 Juni: 883 d.: 17,42,76, enz. 9/10.
15 Juni: 715 d.: 4,61,66,enz 9/10.
23 Juni: 575 d.: 3,4,5,10,11,17,24,25,26,33,enz. 18/23.
30 Juni: 664 d.: 1,2,8,10,13,14,15,30,38,39,56,62,enz. 19/22.
6 Juli: 446 d.: 2,4,enz. 12/22.
13 Juli: 457 d.: 1,4,13,29,30,35,43,enz. 13/21.
21 Juli: 425 d.: 2,24, enz 11/22.
28 Juli: 281 d.: 2,3,5,9,15,22,enz. 11/15.
Best results yearbirds on the middle distance 2024
11 Mei: 796 d.: 1,4,5,14,16,17,24,29,40,42,52,57,enz. 18/26.
18 Mei: 602 d.: 1,2,4,10,17,24,29,34,38,55,enz 14/24.
25 Mei: 646 d.: 18,26,38,46,47,enz 8/8.
8 Juni: 600 d.: 14,32,53,enz. 9/10.
15 Juni: 446 d.: 3,32,37,enz. 10/10.
23 Juni: 368 d.: 3,4,8,9,14,20,22,24,enz. 15/19.
30 Juni: 447 d.: 1,6,8,11,12,13,29,30,38,enz 16/18.
6 Juli: 276 d.: 3,24,25,26,enz 9/18.
13 Juni: 287 d.: 3,11,21,25,enz. 11/17.
21 Juni: 267 d.: 2,16,enz 9/18.
28 Juli: 185 d.: 2,3,4,11,enz 8/11.
Best results youngbirds 2024
Quievrain: 358 d.: 1,3,4,16,20,21,enz. 13/21
Quievrain: 347 d.: 5,7,17,21,enz. 11/14
Noyon: 608 d.: 1,2,4,5,6,7,9,10,13,15,16,21,22,27,28,enz 28/38
Noyon: 773 d.: 3,4,5,7,8,11,25,enz 21/38
Noyon: 638 d.: 1,2,3,9,13,20,27,28,enz. 30/44
Noyon: 505 d.: 1,2,4,12,14,16,20,21,22,30,32,33,enz 24/47
Noyon: 905 d.: 2,3,8,10,31,32,33,34,44,enz 31/43
Melun: 348 d.: 4,7,8,9,14,16,17,21,26,en 20/30
Sermaises: 769 d.: 2,3,4,6,9,13,16,36,enz 17/25
Pont-St.-Maxence: 1287 d.: 1,12,35,39,78,78,106,109,113,enz 19/24
Especially for internet sale Pigeon Bids, Eddy bred and selected a beautiful group from his very best pigeons
This auction ends Wednesday 12 March at 2pm. (c.e.t.)