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Engels Jules & Yves, Putte are having an amazing season in 2021 with 2x 1st National (z) and so much more…

22 Sep 2021

The Engels family from Putte, a tradition of years what pigeons are concerned and especially iron strong pigeons who can set strong results with head wind. But the wind doesn’t matter that much for them when you see what a year they had in 2021 and are ready for 2022. Jules and Yves were to be found constantly at the top of the results on all races and win 1x 1st and 3x 2nd National zone without mentioning all their other top prizes. We summed them up underneath. In Winter time we will bring a more extended article of this colony about how they prepare and care for their pigeons during the racing season. 

Top season National 2021
32 x TOP 100 National
13 x TOP 10 National Zone 

  1           Nat (z)  Bourges                 2,258 year birds
  1           Nat (z)  Tulle                        1,300 old birds
  2           Nat (z)  Argenton              3,776 young birds
  2           Nat (z)  Chateauroux       3,624 young birds
  2           Nat (z)  La Souterraine    2,268 young birds
  4           Nat        Tulle                       5,067 old birds
  4           Nat (z)  Issoudun               2,602 year birds
  4           Nat (z)  Chateauroux          821 old birds
  4           Nat (z)  Bourges                 3,531 young birds
  5           Nat (z)  Argenton              3,755 year birds
  5           Nat (z)  Chateauroux          982 old birds
  6           Nat        La Souterraine  14,315 young birds
  8           Nat        Issoudun             14,758 year birds
  8           Nat (z)  Chateauroux       3,614 old birds
  9           Nat (z)  Chateauroux       1,668 year birds
  9           Nat (z)  Argenton              1,615 old birds
10           Nat        Chateauroux     24,617 old birds
10           Nat        Chateauroux       5,140 old birds
12           Nat        Argenton            14,787 old birds
15           Nat        Chateauroux     18,741 young birds
17           Nat        Argenton            23,124 young birds
19           Nat        Chateauroux     24,617 old birds
19           Nat        Argenton            21,282 year birds
27           Nat        Argenton            14,787 old birds
28           Nat        Chateauroux     24,617 old birds
31           Nat        Bourges               11,952 year birds
33           Nat        Chateauroux       7,099 old birds
35           Nat        La Souterraine  14,037 year birds
36           Nat        Bourges               18,710 young birds
44           Nat        Argenton              9,851 old birds
45           Nat        Argenton            14,787 old birds
47           Nat        Chateauroux     10,317 year birds
56           Nat        Limoges                 9,218 year birds
60           Nat        Chateauroux     22,196 year birds
60           Nat        La Souterraine  14,315 young birds
66           Nat        Argenton            23,124 young birds
69           Nat        Argenton            23,124 young birds
70           Nat        La Souterraine    8,383 old birds
71           Nat        Issoudun             14,758 year birds
75           Nat        Tulle                        5,067 old birds
79           Nat        Chateauroux       2,396 old birds
85           Nat        La Souterraine  14,315 young birds
93           Nat        Tulle                        7,267 year birds
94           Nat        Argenton            21,282 year birds
94           Nat        Issoudun             14,758 year birds

National zone winners  

This hen was going strong at the beginning of the season and shined immediately on the middle distance races with her 1st palm of the season. Afterwards she kept on going at the same pace and ended her season with a 1st National (z) Bourges. What a top hen that belongs on the rankings of the yearlings to the best of the best of the country. 

BE 20-6208276 Nina Hen
2nd National Ace Gr.M.D. Year birds 2021 ( 5 KBDB races )
4th National Ace Gr.M.D. Year birds KBDB 2021
4th National Ace Gr.M.D. Year birds 2021 ( 6 KBDB races )
4th National Ace Gr.M.D. Year birds 2021 ( 7 KBDB races )

   1         Melun                                   2,202b ( fastest 7,532b )
    1         Nat (z)  Bourges                 2,258b
    2         Sermaises                           2,439b
  10         Sermaises                              628b
  11         Sermaises                           2,893b
  19         Nat        Argenton            21,282b
  47         Nat        Chateauroux     10,317b
  51         Prov      Bourges                4,728b
411         Nat                                    25,096b
257         Nat        Chateauroux     22,196b
266         Nat        Issoudun            14,758b
458         Nat Argenton                   23,280b
548         Nat Chateauroux            20,789b

Father BE 17-6164762 Inbred Kaasboer
½ brother to 2 Nat Chateauroux 4,389b – 3 Nat Issoudun 8,248b – 7 Nat Vierzon 20,956b

Gr.F. BE 14-6026095 Gaston – Grandson Kaasboer Gaston Vandewouwer
                Son super breeder 098/03” Rik
Gr.M. BE 13-6062100 Inbred Kaasboer Gaston Vandewouwer
                Daughter to “Brother Kim” x “Daughter Kaasboer” 

Mother BE 17-6052878 Giena – Thijs Nick & Roger
½ sister 16 Nat Bourges 19,736b – 22 Nat Gueret 12,262b

Gr.F. BE 12-6234511 Den 511 - Thijs Nick & Roger
Gr.M. BE 12-6234531 Bourgeske 531 - Thijs Nick & Roger
                Won 69 Nat Bourges 11,822b – Daughter “725/05” 3 x 1st 

BE 18-6117083 Hen

    1         Nat (z)  Tulle                        1,300b
    4         Nat                                        7,004b
    7                       Limoges                    311b
    8                       Chevrainvilliers       360b
  96         Prov      Le Mans                1,315b
213         S.Nat    Vierzon                6,377b
328         Nat (z) Chateauroux       5,507b
524         Nat       Chateauroux    12,855b

Sister to more than one top pigeon that raced really strong on the national races with ao: 4 + 16 National Issoudun 8,248b
5 National Bourges 7,253b
13 National La Souterraine 9,469b
14 Prov Issoudun 1,400b
19 Prov Argenton 1,339b

Father BE 14-6022601 Tom
Won 7 Nat Chateauroux 22,818b, 9 Prov Gien 6,446b, 240 Nat Argenton 27,254b and full brother top racing hen “Jolien”

Gr.V. BE 07-6110370 ½ brother Argenton
                Son from “BE 99-734” Father Argenton x “BE 04-729” Queen L J Roziers won 1 Nat La Souterraine 16,297b
Gr.M. BE 07-6110291 Daughter Argenton
                Daughter from  “BE 03-043” Argenton won 1 Nat Argenton 3,942b x “BE 03-250” Inbred Marieke

Mother BE 14-6022850 Sister Limoges
Full sister superstar “Limoges” 1 Nat Limoges 15,009b

Gr.V. BE 10-6166240 Junior 178
                Son from “BE 94-178” Den 178 Foundation breeder x “BE 06-000” Luc Daans
Gr.M. BE 09-6130670” ½ sister Argenton
                Daughter from “BE 99-734” Father Argenton x “BE 06-542” Sister As 5th Nat Ace L.D. KBDB 

 Yves & Jules, a big congratulation on this wonderful season 2021 from the entire HERBOTS TEAM. 

Buelens Kim