Heikamp – Van Doorn from the Netherlands is a new successful combination in the extreme long distance
24 Feb 2025
In Dutch putting we arrive at a new combination. These are Marco Van Doorn and Piet Heikamp who play under the name Heikamp – Van Doorn on the international flights. They have been doing this since 2020 to be able to spend more time together in one flying team and to achieve great performances in all ZLU flights and especially Barcelona. We will soon place some letters of nobility here so that you know that everything will turn out well for this colony.
Some top pigeons of recent years
« Vlugge 30» 8 Int.Nat Barcelona 17,109p 2024
«Bennie» 4th National Marseille 3,200p – 6 National Pau 4,310p
«De 794» 5 NPO Limoges 1,971p – 61 Int.Nat Barcelona 16,832p – 85 Int.Nat Barcelona 17,107p
« De 738 » 19 National Agen yearlings
« Pareltje Jade » 18 National Agen
« De 616 » 1st Ace Pigeon ZLU Department 8
« Lieve Blauwe » 2 Ace Pigeon Nat Agen 2022-2023
« De 596 » 10 Nat Ace Pigeon ZLU Netherlands 2020-2023
« De Schoorsteen » 34 National Pau
Achieved top performances in the first 50 NPO or National ZLU since our collaboration in 2020
1e NPO Orange
2e NPO Limoges
3e NPO Bergerac
3e NPO St. Vincent
4e NAT Marseille
5e NPO Limoges
6e NAT Pau
6e NPO Cahors
6e NPO Dax
7e NAT Pau
7e NPO Albi
8e INT Barcelona
8e NPO Cahors
10e NPO Limoges
11e NPO Bergerac
12e NPO Dax
14e NAT Dax
14e NPO Bergerac
15e NPO Perigueux
15e NPO Orange
16e NAT Narbonne
18e NAT Agen
18e NPO Bergerac
19e NAT Agen
20e NPO Perigueux
20e NPO Perigueux
20e NPO Cahors
21e NPO Perigueux
22e NPO Limoges
22e NPO Perigueux
22e NPO Cahors
23e Nationaal Agen
24e NPO Limoges
24e NPO St. Vincent
24e NPO St. Vincent
25e NPO Perigueux
26e NPO St. Vincent
27e NPO Bergerac
28e NPO Orange
30e NAT Barcelona
30e NPO Dax
32e NPO Perigueux
33e NPO Bergerac
34e NAT Marseille
34e NAT Pau
35e NAT Barcelona
35e NAT Pau
35e NPO Dax
36e NPO Perigueux
36e NPO Orange
37e NPO Perigueux
37e NPO Bergerac
37e NPO Dax
38e NAT Bordeaux
38e NPO Bergerac
38e NPO Orange
39e NPO Limoges
40e NPO Perigueux
41e NPO Cahors
43e NAT Agen
45e NAT Tarbes
46e NPO Limoges
47e NPO Cahors
47e NPO Dax
48e NPO Aurillac
48e NPO Orange
49e NPO Orange
49e NPO Perigueux
49e NAT Perpignan
50e NPO Perigueux
Championships 2024:
Zuid Limburgse Unie:
Asduif Agen over 3 jaar (Zoon is koop 4)
2e Keizerkampioen
2e ZLU Fondkampioen
2e Pyreneeën CUP
3e WESM alle 8 getekenden
3e Super Prestige
5e ZLU Marathon 8 getekenen
7e Asduif Barcelona over 3 jaar
9e ZLU Marathon
NIC De Lingebode:
1e onaangewezen
1e aangewezen
1e keizerkampioen
1e, 2ee, 4e, en 5e duifkampioen etc.
Fondclub BWRC:
1e onaangewezen
1e aangewezen
1e keizerkampioen
1e, 2e, 4e, 5e, 7e, 8e, 9e en 10e duifkampioen etc.
Fondclub SFG:
1e onaangewezen
2e aangewezen
2e keizerkampioen
4e, 7e, duifkampioen etc.
Fondclub FIANTE: leden afdeling 8 GOU:
1e onaangewezen
1e aangewezen
1e keizerkampioen
2e, 4e, 5e, 9e duifkampioen etc.
Fondclub FIANTE totaal (afdeling 8 t/m 11):
2e onaangewezen
1e aangewezen
1e keizerkampioen
4e duifkampioen etc.
Fondunie 2000:
4e keizergeneraal
2e Generaal Fondunie Grootmeesters
Tribe building
We focused on the Barcelona flight and therefore recruited reinforcement from Fond Goud Oost (Appie Pas) from the Netherlands. We purchased 3 pigeons here which we then entered against our old base and this was a bull's eye.
Afterwards we purchased several grandchildren of “New Laureaat”, “Sumerian Fighter”, “New Witbuik”, “Special One”, “Jef”, “Barcelona Jan”, “La Primera”, “Barcelona Dream” and “Luna-May” and recently pigeons from Appie from pigeons from C.J. De Heijde and Frans Bungeneers.
Racing pigeon system
The racing pigeons are always raced here from a nest and half of our team are yearlings. We let the racing pigeons sit together during the winter period and they receive a vaccination against smallpox and paramyxo. The pigeons are separated in mid-February. The pigeons are preferably coupled back at the end of April and are then raced entirely from the nest on the international flights. During the breeding period at the beginning of May, the pigeons are given a treatment against tricho so that they are free from this. Afterwards, the pigeons themselves are checked a few days before they are basketed for a heavy long distance flight.
The pigeons have to be basketed every week from the end of April and they have to get in shape by flying competitions and gaining rhythm. Once the first international flight has ended, no pigeon will be taken on shorter flights in the association to avoid the risk of bad weather or infection. As a result, we drive our pigeons up to 100 to 125 km and they are released together there. We mainly do this to keep our litters.
In the run-up to March and April, our pigeons are darkened in order to be able to race pigeons with a full wing for as long as possible and from the longest day they are also supplemented with light until the last flight of the season.
The daily training takes place at home once a day on a voluntary basis until a few weeks before the first extreme long distance flight. Then the rhythm is increased and they are required to fly 60 to 75 minutes in the morning and evening. In the afternoon the pigeons have the option of an open loft and can then choose whether they sit outside or inside.
Our young pigeons are well trained and fly all flights possible in our program to gain as much experience as possible towards their career as a yearling and old pigeon.
First time an online auction via www.herbots.be
NL 24-8240419 “Barca Vlug 419”
NL 24-8240477 “Barca 477”
A son of top hen “794”, she won 5 NPO Limoges 1,971p – 61 Int.Nat Barcelona 16,832p – 85 Int.Nat Barcelona 17,107p.
This pigeon is also purely inbred to New Laureaat van Batenburg – Van de Merwe via Appie Pas