Hok Bommerez from Heverlee confirms with 1 Nat (z) Argenton in 2024 and continues to build on their strong breeding base.
06 Mar 2025
The colony of Michel and Maarten Bommerez from Heverlee in Flemish Brabant has, despite some setbacks, been able to present some great top results year after year. If we look at the best racing pigeons in the lofts, you could say that they are also allowed to sit in our loft.
There is “Chiara”, she became 1st Provincial and 5th National Ace Pigeon heavy middle distance KBDB 2023
“Tiny Rebel” won 1 Prov Argenton – 3 Prov Salbris and 8 Nat (z) Bourges
“Ivy Blue” became 1st Prov Ace Pigeon All Round old KBDB 2021
The last top hen we mention is top hen “Decathlon”, she won 1st Nat (z) Argenton and 9th National of 8,867 pigeons in 2024. She also became 9th Prov Ace Pigeon heavy middle distance KBDB in 2023. Once again, extremely strong pigeons that are not put on the grid as young pigeons with a view to their further career.
For father Michel, pigeon racing is a hobby and will always remain so, family and his job used to be the main priority. Now he enjoys his retirement and son Maarten is more passionate than father Michel. It is not easy for son Maarten because he lives and works in London, but fortunately the online world of today is an advantage to be able to follow a lot. They communicate very often and the cameras film the arrivals online so that Maarten can still experience his piece of pigeon racing every week.
Both Michel and Maarten have their own opinion and they sometimes dare to differ, but that is perfectly possible. No one is infallible and there is always consultation. A pigeon fancier who makes as few mistakes as possible during the season will have a super season.
The references at Olivier Poussart simply continue and with 3 National winners and a 1st National Ace Pigeon he is also doing fantastically and you can rely on a rock-solid breeding loft here. They certainly want to continue on that path in the coming years.
Super results in other lofts
1 NAT ACE PIGEON HEAVY MIDDLE DISTANCE KBDB 2021 at Olivier & Justin Poussart
1 NAT BOURGES 33,410p (fastest of 57,621p) at Olivier & Justin Poussart
1 NAT BOURGES 24,496p (2nd fastest of 58,111p) at Olivier & Justin Poussart
1 NAT TULLE 7,267p (fastest of 12,334p) at Olivier & Justin Poussart
BE 20-2020339 “Chiara” Hen
1 Prov Ace Great Middle Distance KBDB 2023
5 Nat Ace Great Middle Distance KBDB 2023
1 Prov Chateauroux 1.038p ( 13 Nat 8.075p )
14 Nat (z) Argenton 1.472p
23 Nat Bourges 7.270p
26 Prov Salbris 558p
32 Nat (z) Bourges 2.290p
49 Prov Salbris 761p
50 Soissons 1.344p
69 I.Prov.Vierzon 8.922p
74 Soissons 1.615p
97 Nat Argenton 9.851p
½ sister “Aston Martin” 1 Nat Bourges 24.496p
½ sister “063” 14 Nat Ace long distance KBDB 2020 – 1 Trelou 1.037p – 8 Nat (z) Brive 747p – 11 Prov Limoges 2.365p – 12 Nat (z) Souillac 1.305p
Father BE 15-4259525 Orpheus – Annick Goeteyn
Brother “Orlandor” 1 Nat (z) Tulle 2.572p – 10 Nat (z) Argenton 3.455p
Brother “Orlandia” 14 Nat La Souterraine 2.594p – 18 Nat Gueret 11.894p – 19 Nat Montlucon 19.298p
Brother “Andora” 2 Prov Orléans 3.578p
Son from super pair “Orlando” x “Nicofelia” who is grandmother from 2 x 1st National Bourges
Mother BE 16-2050543 Twice is Nice
½ sister “Octomove” 35 Nat Argenton 7.099p – 37 Nat Chateauroux 9.847p – 84 Nat La Souterraine 3.118p
Daughter from “Cheops” ( Rik Hermans x Vervloesem ) x “Guilty Pleasure” Gaby Vandenabeele
In this auction there are 2 children of top hen “Chiara” coupled with top breeder “Tobacco”
BE 24-2070118 “Luciana”
BE 19-2027653 “Tiny Rebel” Hen
This hen has not stolen her name, as a youngster she was not trained and she was away from the loft for a few weeks. As a yearling she occasionally classified her well, but from 2021 she started flying top, she continued that in 2022 where she flew very strong but unfortunately was injured in June. She was then allowed to retire and go to the breeding loft, she classified her as 19th World Best Pigeon Middle Distance 2022.
1 Prov Argenton 1.559p
18 NAT 20.467p
1 Club Salbris 761p
3 Br.Unie 1.655p
2 Club Bourges 1.169p
8 Nat (z) 4.514p
5 Soissons 574p
7 Sermaises 1.370p
20 Melun 1.204p
67 Prov Vierzon 1.296p
68 Prov Bourges 3.095p
Father BE 16-2289575 “Kalypso”
1/2 brother “Missing Wing” mother from “Patrick” 1st National Tulle 7.267p by Olivier Poussart
½ brother “Route 66” 10 Nat Bourges 8.340p and 16 Nat Bourges 10.173p
Son from “Pelican Cluster” 100% Gaby Vandenabeele x “Fijn Bont” Vanoppen Luyten
Mother BE 14-3150591 “Skyfall” Orig.Gaby Vandenabeele
Daughter from “399/10” Son Neptunus x “764/09” Inbred Champion Chris Hebberecht
BE 19-2027732 “Ivy Blue” Hen
This hen was the best of the colony in 2021, but also became 1st Prov Ace Pigeon All Round olds KBDB 2021. Top class from the very best of this colony
2 Soissons 596p
4 Melun 6.951p
4 Prov Salbris 1.832p
10 Melun 1.204p
53 NAT La Souterraine 8.383p
Sister of “Calliope” 4 Nat Ace pigeon middle distance KBDB 2019 by Olivier Poussart, she won a.o. 1 Fay Aux Loges 5,832p – 1 Fay Aux Loges 1,144p – 1 St.Soupplets 1,062p – 3 Gien 1,514p – 3 St.Soupplets 1,580 d – 5 S.Nat Bourges 3,885p
Sister of “Le 023” 51 Nat Ace pigeon longer middle distance KBDB 2020, she won a.o. 1 Gien 1,514p – 3 Prov Argenton 3,018p – 4 St.Soupplets 1,062p – 6 Prov Bourges 3,716p – 7 S.Nat Bourges 3,885p – 12 Prov Vierzon 1,795p – 21 Prov Bourges 1,841p
Father BE 16-6128801 “Bazooka” Orig.Rik Hermans
Super breeder
Also father of “Loredana” 11 Br.Unie Salbris 1,655p – 14 Nat (z) Bourges 1,231p – 19 Nat Gueret 8,375p
Son of “643/09” Son Kanon Danny Van Dijck x “NL 539/09” Granddaughter Yearling Dondersteen
Mother BE 14-4033220 “The Nanny” Orig.Annick Goeteyn
Daughter of “198/13” Son Rudy Gaby Vandenabeele x “711/12” Granddaughter Bliksem Gaby Vandenabeele
They are the parents of “Carina” 1st National Bourges 33,615p and fastest of 57,621 pigeons in 2022, this top hen also won 4 Nat (z) Issoudun 2,145p – 18 I.Prov Bourges 1,120p – 30 Nat (z) La Basement 809p.
This top hen is bred from "Tobacco" who is himself a ½ brother of "A-Team" who in turn is father of 1st National Tulle 12,334 pigeons. “Tobacco” itself was bred from “Tarantino” and is a son of the top couple “Den 30 x Marina” from Jespers – Vanderwegen. He was coupled to "Smokey Blue" from De Vroe - Van Gaver, who is therefore grandmother of 2 x 1st National.
“Tobacco” was coupled to “Fifty Fifty” who herself was a proven racing hen in the middle distance and sprint. She is a daughter of "Hugo Boss", he is a full brother of "Super Gaby" who father of "Devil Prince" of Gino Clique who won 1st National Montlucon 19.298p. He himself is a grandson of Bliksem from Gaby Vandenabeele. “Orphelia” was coupled to “Hugo Boss”, which comes directly from Annick Goeteyn and is a daughter of super couple “Orlando” x “Nicophelia”
Two daughters of this top couple are present at the auction
BE 24-2070230 “Havana”
They are the parents of “Patrick”, who won 1st National Tulle 7,267 yearlings and was the fastest of 12,334 pigeons by Olivier Poussart.
A half-brother is “Vaper” who is father of top pigeon “863/21” who flew top 20 provincial on 6 races on the heavy middle distance. You have to be able to continue to present such credentials.
This couple therefore consists of “A-Team”, a cock who is also the father of “Vaper”. This pigeon won 7 x TOP 20 Provincial in the heavy middle distance and “A-Team” was bred from “Ferrero Rocher” which comes directly from Annick Goeteyn and is a son of “Memphis” x “Beauty Betsy”. “Ferrero Rocher” was coupled to “Smokey Blue” from De Vroe – Van Gaver, who is therefore grandmother of 2 x 1st National. She is a full sister of 1st National Bourges 41,783 pigeons.
“A-Team” was coupled to “Missing Wing”, this hen is inbred to the top hen “Route 66” ( father x daughter ), who won 2x TOP 16 National from Bourges. She is a daughter of “Pelican Cluster” 100% Gaby Vandenabeele via Theo Weytjens x “Route 66” ( daughter “Pelican Cluster” x “1/2 sister Super breeder 564” Patrick Vervloesem )
There is also a direct son of this top couple in this top auction
BE 24-2105314 “Tulsa King”
Michel and Maarten, many congratulations on the current achievements here and elsewhere from the entire HERBOTS TEAM.
Buelens Kim