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Karlo Van Rompaey from Sint-Truiden wins 1st provincial Souillac Limburg with 4 pigeons in the top 100 nationally

18 Jul 2024

Sint-Truiden - Last weekend, Karlo Van Rompaey put in an impressive performance on the national flight from Souillac. He won first place provincially for Limburg against 415 yearlings. Moreover, with the same pigeon he managed to win the 29th national prize against 4,073 yearlings.


This checkered white flight hen, BE23-4163713, was Karlo's provincial winner. She is a late hen that was trained to 200km as a yearling. This season she has been weekly basketted and classified 55th provincial against 717 pigeons on her first long distance race from Limoges. A week later she won the first provincial from Souillac. This hen has no permanent partner yet, but probably got her motivation from everything that was going on around her between the other couples.

Provincial and National Result Souillac

Karlo set an impressive series on the flight from Souillac with 4 pigeons in the top 100 nationally. Below is a summary of his performance:
Souillac Provincial:
415 yearlings: 1-6-12-19-21-22-26-28-38-40-41-45-55-87-133-...
449 old: 5-6-9-22-28-30-49-56-73-82-86-88-136-145-...
Souillac National:
4.073 yearlings: 29-137-317-405-415-445-490-577-703-724-772-796-886-...
4.673 old: 74-84-89-318-376-385-704-823-1076-1145-1166-...


The basis for the season is laid during the winter months, when the pigeons train intensively daily at home. From the end of March, training starts and Karlo considers the speed races and middle distance races in April and May purely as training. These races are necessary to gain confidence. The chaos system has been used for several years, with few fixed pairs in the beginning. As the season progresses, more permanent pairs slowly form by opening more nesting boxes. This year, the focus is entirely on the day long flights, despite planning being marred by exceptional weather conditions. Limoges on 5 July was therefore the first day long distance race. With a 2nd provincial among the yearlings and six pigeons in the top 100 nationally, the group showed its ability. A week later followed provincial victory and 4 pigeons in the top-100 nationally from Souillac.


The current race team of old and yearling pigeons is integrally sourced from PEC.

Nutrition and Supplements

Nutrition consists mainly of products from the gamme of Beyers and AIDI, supplemented by Zell Oxygen and Daflor, among others. Medical interventions are done as needed, with no set pattern or schedule. During the period of the heavier flights, everything is about recuperation and building up to the next flight. This means rich and heavy food enriched with minerals, grit and candy seeds.

The whole Herbots team warmly congratulates Karlo with his provincial victory!

Maarten Herbots