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Marc Vanonckelen from Halen wins 1st Provincial Argenton 1,671 old birds

13 Jun 2024

Last week the national flight from Argenton was on the calendar. As winner of the province of Limburg, Marc Vanonckelen from Halen was number 1. His 2-year old hen was the fastest of 1,671 old pigeons. This proven top hen is not ready for her test piece and has already achieved quite a record. For Marc, this is the 12th provincial victory he has achieved in the province of Limburg. The pigeons from Argenton were given a week of rest the week before and as extra training he took them away twice to get back into the rhythm. It can only help and from the looks of it it has helped. 

System Hens

Here we only race hens in classic widowhood that have stayed in the aviary during the winter period, where they are now also kept during the day. This is located on the right side of the loft and right next to their resting loft. In the evening they are allowed inside and can sit in small boxes with grilles on the floor. They are not locked up and will remain quiet in the aviary for the time being. If there are hens that mate with each other or are somewhat in love with each other, I don't think that would be a disadvantage, it could certainly be motivating. The hens are always fed on the floor in front of the resting loft, personally I think the pigeons eat better and more.

During the winter period the racing pigeons were not bred and they only get to know their cocks from the first training sessions of the season, so more and more hens are gradually getting a permanent partner after each training session. The hens were darkened from March 1 to the end of April.

The daily training sessions started here at the end of January and every day. Afterwards this was increased to twice a day, now from the middle distance the pigeons train 5 to 6 times a week. Training in the morning on the day of basketing is not a problem and is also advisable to help the pigeons eat better. They usually train for one hour and do this without any obligation, it is a regime that is easy to manage here and eventually starts to become a fixed cycle. 

The hens are usually paired with 2 to a cock, I also play on jealousy a bit as the season progresses and in the beginning it is whoever comes home first gets in first and then the next. As the season progresses there are usually some losses and the hens participate in several flights, which means that this problem is less likely to arise. The hens are never allowed to stay with their cock at night, if I think they were too tired or were not enjoying their cock, I prefer to release them more quickly and feed them well. The evening and night ensure a good recovery and then I let them together again the next morning, so that everyone benefits from it and the hens will not be demotivated. 

In terms of nutrition, I use the Beyers mixtures. In the spring I mainly used Beyers Rust/Winter and afterwards I switched to Galaxy Light. I also use this on Mondays together with Beyers Energy. For training in the last few days I use Beyers Energy together with Beyers Long Distance. When they return home, it is also these last 2 mixtures that they get from the middle distance and if it has been really tough I dare to add breeding to this. I will continue this until Sunday evening so that the recovery is really in order. 

The pigeons here all receive a vaccination against paratyphoid without a cure in the autumn and were then vaccinated against paramxyo in the spring. They were also tested against tricho just before the racing season and afterwards I give them a pill every month. If there are several nights in the basket, I occasionally use B.S. from Belgica-De Weerd. I have not given anything for the respiratory tract in the last 2 years and I try to keep it that way. As additional products I use HP Carbo and I follow that program a bit. If I give oil to the food, it is herbal oil from EC products.

Winner Argenton

BE 22-5033329 "Kitteka" Blue Hen

  1 Prov Argenton               1.671p
32 Nat                                16.576p
  7 Prov Vierzon                  1.290p
  7 Prov Sens                       5.749p
11 Prov Sens                       9.487p
13 Prov Vierzon                  4.342p

Father BE 21-5031127 Blue Jeans
Nest brother of “Billie Jean” Ace pigeon middle distance with, among others, 1/126p – 2/672p – 3/2,059p – 7/3,740p on Sermaises
Son of “920/20” Inbred Avril Jos Thone x “984/ 19” Sister Peyton, who won 15 x 1st and is mother of “Kopecky” 2 Nat Bourges 9,922p

Mother BE 21-5031020 Cushion Only flew 3 races, 4 Momignies 373p – 9 Momignies 288p. 
Was subsequently attacked by a bird of prey and stopped
Daughter of “ 730/20” Brother Peyton, who won 15 x 1st and is mother of “Kopecky” 2 Nat Bourges 9,922p x “980/17” Sister Lena Jos Thone, “Lena” won 6 Nat Libourne

Best results 2024

Soissons 2,645 old and yearlings: 1,103,132,139,140,144,237,… 8/12
Soissons 1,261 old: 6,28,31,33,35,97,… 16/30
Soissons 960 old: 4,5,11,21,22,27,42,43, 46,46,58,62,67,80,84,… 24/32
Sens Prov 5,749 old birds: 7,15,32,93,118,120,164,192,215,308,496,… 13/13
Sens Prov 9,487 old and yearlings: 11,22,58,152,187, 190,251,296,333,468,744,… 13/18
Bourges Prov 2,243 old birds: 10,11,17,35,46,92,109,129,… 10/14
Argenton Prov 1,672 old birds: 1,11,28,45,98,108,… 7/11

Top results 2023

28 x 1st (including doubles)
1 + 2 Soissons West Limburg 3,179p
1 Prov Bourges 1,645p (2nd National 9,922p)
1 Prov Argenton 1,289p
1 Prov Ace Pigeon heavy middle distance KBDB
24 Nat Ace Pigeon heavy middle distance yearlings KBDB
28 Ace Pigeon heavy middle distance old birds KBDB

Marc, congratulations on this victory from the entire HERBOTS TEAM. 

Buelens Kim