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Meulemans K. & L. - Damen W. (Arendonk) win 1st Provincial Agen against 739 old pigeons in the province of Antwerp

08 Jul 2024

Arendonk - These fanciers don't really need an introduction anymore, who doesn't know the name Karel Meulemans in the pigeon world? So much has been written about Karel in the past that I will try to limit myself to his most recent achievement. On the national flight from Agen, Karel and Linda Meulemans and son-in-law Walter Damen, achieved first provincial place against a competition of 739 old pigeons. This performance was not only remarkable provincially, but also impressive nationally, with a 16th place against 6,435 old birds.

The winning pigeon, a red cock with ring number BE22-6175308, is described by its owners as a pleasant and tame companion. The parentage of this cock plays a crucial role in its performance. Excellent genes are present on both the paternal and maternal sides. The grandparents on the paternal side include 'De Saint-Vincent', winner of the 1st International Saint-Vincent against 11,437 old birds at Meulemans-Damen in 2014, and a sister of the 1st International Perpignan winner against 12,689 birds, who herself also achieved 9th place at national level Perpignan against 4,191 birds.

As a yearling, the red cock already made its presence felt by flying up to 700 km. The winners describe their method as simple but effective. "Everything starts with a good pigeon, otherwise it won't work," the winners say. In winter, the pigeons train twice a week, but from the beginning of March, this becomes daily, mainly to keep the pigeons sharp and protect them from birds of prey.

As far as nutrition is concerned, the pigeons receive high-quality grains and products such as Optimix, Zell-Oxygen, Broncofit of Herbots Animal Products and Sedochol are added to optimise their condition.

Although I wrote earlier that I wanted to limit myself to just this recent achievement, it is certainly not an isolated case at the Meulemans-Damen house, in the last two decades they already reached high peaks with among others:
BE10-6154931 'De Marseille':
1st Prov. Marseille 2012 (31st Nat 3,245b & 69th I.Nat 11,244b)
1st Prov. Marseille 2013 (11th Nat 2,376b & 31st I.Nat 8,834b)
76th Nat. Montelimar 6,718b
BE05-6126121 'Den As':
3rd Olympiad pigeon Marathon Dortmund 2009
BE09-6080627 'De Saint Vincent' (grandfather of the provincial winner Agen):
1st I.Nat. St.-Vincent 11,437b - 974km covered in 1 day

This recent achievement and those in the past are yet another proof of their dedication and ability in pigeon racing. 
Karel, Linda and Walter have shown with their victory that hard work and a good system can lead to great success.
Congratulations again from the whole Herbots team!

Maarten Herbots