Sonia Van der Maelen - Aspelare And their superior top pair ‘Ian’ x ‘Grizzle Jasmina’
14 Mar 2025
Aspelare: Everyone in the Denderstreek will confirm it ... Sonia and Danny Van der Maelen have been among the top fanciers in ‘The Denderstreek’ for decades. Weekly top prizes on all distances and playing in all categories ... this is how we can characterise the Van der Maelen loft. It must feel more than pleasant to have such class pigeons.
Every year they arrive at the start of the season with some 70 racers. These are 24 couples on total widowhood and with the others some are motivated by feeling every week.
In terms of care, Danny and Sonia leave nothing to chance and everything is done to keep top condition in the loft. So they strictly follow the following schedule:
Home (Saturday): Electrolytes (Herbovet) + Herbobeets - on the feed Sedochol + Immunol
Sunday: Tea + Herbobeets - on the feed Sedochol + Immunol
Monday and Tuesday: Quick (iodine preparation Schroeder)
Wednesday and Thursday: Tolyamin + M.M.K. (Herbovet)
On the menu are feeds from Beyers. At the beginning of the week, Beyers Galaxy Light disappears into the food bowl and is replaced by Beyers Galaxy Energy + Briljant the last days before basketing.
Medically, the medicine cabinet is kept closed as much as possible. Against tricho all pigeons receive a yellow drop in the throat every week, the day of basketing, and 3 times a week the eyes of all racers are drip-dried with fat drops.
The hens house during the week in a loft whose bottom consists of a net (see photo). The ladies also have an aviary at their disposal. They are free to choose whether or not to sit in the open air.
Motivation is important and on basketing day the cocks and hens come together for about half an hour and after the flight they are usually allowed to cuddle each other until the next day.
Top couple ‘Ian’ x ‘Grizzle Jasmina’
A stroke of luck... that's how we could describe the composition of top pair ‘Ian’ x ‘Grizzle Jasmina’. Danny says: ‘Initially, “Ian” was paired with another hen. From this pairing we bred several valuable pigeons such as ‘Beauty Blanchetta’. This hen was ranked 5th best pigeon of Belgium in the Pipa Ranking on 8 national great middle distance races ‘22.
In 2021, the pair was put back together and believe it or not... a few days later, the hen was dead in the loft. I think the neighbours heard me swearing to them. I now had a valuable breeding pair and then this happens. Nothing to be done... and from the aviary, hen ‘Grizzle Jasmina’ was taken and paired against ‘Ian’. ‘Grizzle Jasmina’ had already proved her ability on the races as her record includes 10th Prov. Orleans 4,888d. and 6th Melun 839d. A stroke of luck as the youngsters from this pair performed even better.
The first youngster we bred from this pair was ‘Wout’ and it didn't stop there.
Meanwhile, ‘Ian’ x ‘Grizzle Jasmina’ are already parents to:
‘Wout": 6th National ace KBDB (1st yearling) all-round old and yearling pigeons ’22
‘Lady Toury": 3rd Prov. ace KBDB ½ Fond yearling ’23. - 1st Toury 329d. (19th/2,944d.) - 1st Toury 395d. (3rd/1,706d.) - 2nd Toury 454d. (88th/3,424d.) - 5th Orleans 185d. (61st/2,606d.) - 7th Orleans 241d. (41st/2,520d.) - 8th Toury 303d. (96th/1,524d.) - 9th Toury 182d. (62nd/3,295d.) - 11th Toury 668d. (76/3,339d.) - 13th Toury 365d. (66th/1,715d.)
‘Nafi": Won 14 x 1/10 - 1st Sermaise 292d. - 1st Noyon 296d. - 24th National Issoudun 12,349d.
Phillipine fancier Louie Enriquez bought a son of ‘Nafi’, namely ‘Black Ian 282’ and this became sire of 1st Ace BBC Pampanga at 3,835d. and 1st prize Super Sprint Final Lap (410km) at 3,853d.
‘Checquered Ian 1": won - without doubles - 6 x 1/10 - 1st Chateauroux 209d. (69th Prov. 2,329d.) - 2nd Noyon 195d. - 6th Toury 298d. (84th/2,159d.) - 38th/1,668d. - 43rd Orleans 1,982d.
‘Blue Jasmina 898": bought by Filipino fancier Louie Enriquez became mother of:
1st Ace pigeon (6 speed races) against 3,245d. - 1st prize ‘Lap champion Final Lap’ against 3,245d. and 1st prize ‘Lap Champion’ 265km against 9,205d.
If that's not a good breeding pair, we don't know it anymore !