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Tournelle – Hua Feng (Rummen) win 1st National Champion heavy middle distance old and yearlings KBDB 2024

16 Mar 2025

For the combination Tournelle – Hua Feng from Rummen in Flemish Brabant, the 2024 season was once again one to remember. They won the classic from Bourges with their yearling top hen “Tiesto Mulan”, who ended her career with a national victory and a 3rd National Ace Pigeon title in the heavy middle distance. Due to the strong performance across the board, this colony also became 1st National Champion heavy middle distance old and yearlings KBDB 2024. They are allowed to enter and race a lot of pigeons, but to clock your number 1 and 2, it is all about 2 pigeons, just like everyone else. In addition, they won several national top positions with their old and yearling racing team, of which we will introduce several of these toppers to you in this article, and a new topper was added on the last national flight of the season. This was “Jason Dream” who became 2nd National Ace Pigeon Heavy Middle Distance KBDB 2024 with the young pigeons and just like the best hen with the yearlings has earned his place in the breeding loft. This is also the path they want to take here, pigeons that can either fly top 100 national multiple times or fly together an ace pigeon title.

Highlights 2024


Sancoins National 12.958 yearlings : 5,24,28,32,67,73,77,112,114,153,165,167,181,185,223,…  47/78
Sancoins National 9.753 old birds : 10,210,291,356,358,428,538,620,… 25/36
Vierzon National 5.780 old birds : 3,4,10,17,37,38,45,50,64,67,72,79,89,… 
Bourges National 7.617 yearlings : 1,52,81,85,87,… 
Bourges National 5.529 old birds : 46,65,86,88,… 
Bourges National (z) 1.884 yearlings : 4,5,6,12,19,31,37,63,… 
Argenton National 8.343 old birds : 9,16,19,26,38,65,68,142,148,153,202,216,221,225,244,…30/37
Argenton National 11.777 yearlings : 55,56,58,58,64,173,182,184,186,187,187,201,203,215,,… 43/64
Argenton National 11.177 yearlings : 14,22,26,46,83,95,191,276,289,292,… 40/68
Argenton National 8.867 old birds : 3,4,23,296,… 19/36
Vierzon National 16.892 young birds : 13,37,74,79,85,97,113,116,147,… 
Bourges National 26.549 young birds : 44,75,… 

The system of the old and yearlings 

Here the racing team consists of cocks and hens that are paired with partners that stay at home, for us a clear difference in performance than total widowhood and certainly for cocks. That is why the cocks were paired in the spring of 2024 and they were allowed to raise a youngster. The hens are usually 2 for 1 cock and one group was allowed to feed youngsters while the other group was only with their partner for 4 to 5 days. 

This was adjusted again for the 2025 racing season. The old racing hens were paired with the widowers so that we can pair more proven top pigeons with each other while one week later the remaining hens were paired with their regular cocks. This ensures that almost all our racing pigeons have fed a nest. The old racing hens were allowed to lay twice because we moved the first laying and then we let them feed.

We start training after the breeding period and after one week they usually fly here for a full hour, especially the hens. After that we try to keep this condition mandatory so that they really get a foundation. From the moment they come outside for 3 weeks we go for a ride every day if the weather permits up to 30 km. We do not give the widowers anything of hens in the beginning, we only do this the last 3 times. We do this mainly because we play with a lot of pigeons and the widowers really have to come in quickly when they arrive from Momignies for example. The hens do not get to see their partners during the ride, they only get to see their cocks after the first flight, then they can stay together again for 3 days. After the next flight it is the turn and the next group to stay together for a few days and that is how we are off for the entire season. 

We are also not going to have the training at home happen twice compared to the 2024 season. We believe that if our pigeons train really hard once, that is certainly enough. This in combination with the number of kilometers they have to handle in the weekend, this is more than enough.

We darken our racing pigeons from 1 March to the first week of April. This is from 17:45 to 7:45 in the morning. This is not such a long period but it does help to keep the hens calm during a time without a partner. The hens are also located at the back where there is little movement during the day and where we ourselves will not talk to them during that period. Making them crazy can be detrimental to the course of the season. The hens are therefore in their resting loft during the day and there are rollers on the floor. They go via a hatch to the front of the loft from where they fly out. After training they also come in like this but they are always fed in the resting loft. The pigeons are also lighted here from mid-June until the last national flight so that they still have good small feathers towards the end of the season. 

The widowers are also no longer loft by loft here, all the doors between the multiple lofts are simply open and ready. We think that there is more atmosphere and a different feeling of freedom for the pigeons.

When basketing, the widowers are only shown the dish, this is a fixed rhythm and there is less work involved. The pigeons remain calm in their box, which makes it easy for them to pick up food. The hens come to the cocks in 2 groups in the afternoon for half an hour and are fed for the last time at 16:30. 

When they return from the flights, the cocks are immediately shown their hen halfway through the box and are allowed to stay there until 16:30 - 16:45. Latecomers are unlucky and do not get their hen later. With the hens, the cocks are locked up in the living box and the hens are allowed to walk around freely first. They are then referred to the resting loft and with a smooth flight they are allowed to take turns with the cocks. If it has been very tough, we do not dare to let the hens in and they only get to see their cock on Thursday. This means that the hens sit in front of the cocks and can see them but not reach them. If we notice that recovery is needed much more than their cock, they do not come together. We have already noticed that the hens do not really need a cock after a tough flight and prefer to just recover. They see the cock again for the next flight on Thursday and we notice no difference in performance or motivation.

In terms of nutrition, we work with Sport Select and Super Recup from Anthoons together with Versele Energy Plus. For the young pigeons, we use Breeding 3 to 4 weeks after weaning. Afterwards, we switch to Rui and Sport Select from Anthoons. During the season, and especially towards the national flights, we use the same system as with the old pigeons. 

In terms of cures, the racing pigeons always get a cure for paratyphoid in the spring, followed by a vaccination (this year this will only happen for the 17th time). We also vaccinate our old pigeons against paramyxo and smallpox. The young pigeons get rota paramyxo, smallpox and paratyphoid twice. 

We also treat our old and yearling pigeons for tricho in the spring, and the young pigeons have now had a cure. During the season, we usually work with pills that we put on and

Best pigeons from season 2024

BE 23-2029014 “Tiesto Mulan” Hen
1 Nat Ace Pigeon GMD 2024 ( 2 KBDB races )
2 Nat Ace Pigeon GMD 2024 ( 3 KBDB races )
3 Nat Ace Pigeon GMD KBDB 2024
4 Nat Ace Pigeon GMD 2024 ( 5 KBDB races )

    1         NAT       Bourges                 7.617p
    1         NAT       Bourges               13.146p (old+yls)
    1         Prov      Sancoins                2.217p
    5         NAT       Sancoins             12.958p
    7         I.Prov    Melun                      2.034p
  66        NAT       Bourges                  9.654p
106        NAT       Bourges               18.765p
213        NAT       Argenton             17.666p
215        NAT       Argenton             11.777p

Father BE 18-2146084 Fantasy Boy
Proven top breeder
Father of 1 Nat (z) Chateauroux 5,803p – 1 I.Prov.Orléans 2,669p – 9 Nat Chateauroux 22,196p
Son of “500/17” Copy Blue Lagoon Bart Geerinckx x “205/15” Lovely Fantasy 3 Prov Vierzon 684p -88 Nat Argenton 4,582p – 95 Nat La Souterraine 9,580p is a daughter of super breeder Tiesto's Fantasy

Mother BE 21-5050087 Golden Dirkje – Bosmans Leekens
Daughter of “186/19” Triple Bas 1 Nat Gueret 12,888p x “621/20” O.T. 1 Nat Chateauroux 15,322p

BE 24-2067360 “Jason Dream” Cock
2 Nat Ace Pigeon GMD Young KBDB 2024 

  13 NAT Vierzon                 16.892p
111 NAT Bourges               26.549p
116 NAT Chateauroux       15.060p

Father BE 23-2029339 Beauty Torres
Son of “567/21” Son of Tiesto's Hero 2 Nat. Ace Pigeon GMD ( 6 KBDB races ) x “Miss Torres” 1 Nat Issoudun 8,263p
 x “483/16” Beauty Blue won 1 Prov Montlucon ( 7 NAT 9,863p ) – 25 NAT Bourges 5,831p – 64 NAT Argenton 5,782p  

Mother BE 23-2029213 Princes Maserati
Won herself 95 NAT Argenton 11,184p 
Daughter of “937/19” Maserati 1 Nat Tulle 4,451p (fastest of 7,515p ) – 26 NAT Chateauroux 33,833p x 
“491/17” Princes 491 is a daughter of “Prince Torres” 15 Nat Ace Pigeon Long Distance KBDB with, among others, 2nd NAT Jarnac x ​​“101/15” Tiesto Witje 1 S.Nat Limoges 3,599p

BE 22-2103613 “Princess Zoran” Hen
17 Nat Ace Pigeon Heavy Middle Distance Old KBDB 2024

  16 Nat Argenton             8.343p
  45 Nat Vierzon                5.780p
  47 Nat Bourges               6.713p
  84 I.Prov. Lorris                3.994p
  88 Nat Bourges               5.529p
  92 Nat Argenton           16.547p
130 Nat Argenton             3.990p
364 Nat Bourges               9.962p

Father BE 14-2188900 Milos
Won himself 34 Nat Chateauroux 25,710p – 164 Nat Montlucon 16,982p
Brother of “Mila” 1 Nat Chateauroux 3,936p
Brother of “National Hero” is father of “Tiesto’s Lady” 1 Nat Argenton 16,762p and 3rd National Ace Pigeon GMD KBDB 2020
Son of top breeder “Zoran” x “Blauw Nationaaltje”

Mother BE 20-2060752 Granddaughter Torres
Won herself 21 I.Prov.Melun 2,815p – 73 Nat Chateauroux 22,196p – 248 Nat Issoudun 17,758p
Daughter of “904/143 Livio is son of founding father Torres x “Liv” 1 + 2 Nat Chateauroux x “447/17” Golden Lily

BE 23-2029011 “Jewel Tiesto” Cock

  14 Nat Argenton            11.177p
  18 Nat Bourges              19.369p
  73 Nat Sancoins             12.958p
  79 Nat Vierzon                  5.780p

Father BE 15-2039407 Tornado Tiesto
Son of "461/11" Tiesto's Best is son of base breeder Tiesto x "722/11" Emilia Smis

Mother BE 16-2273925 Sister Tulle
Won herself 1 Melun 699p - 4 Melun 1,138p - 9 Soissons 677p - 25 Nat Bourges 28,078p
Sister of "Maserati" 1 Nat Tulle 4,451p
"Maserati" is grandfather of "Jason Dream" 2 Nat Ace Pigeon heavy middle distance young KBDB 2024

BE 23-2029360 “King Torres” Cock

17 Nat Vierzon                    5.780p
24 Nat Sancoins               12.958p
46 Nat Bourges                18.765p

Father BE 22-2103881 Son Miss Torres
Son of “676/14” won himself 19 Nat Issoudun 22,102p – 31 Nat Brive 9,278p x “221/17” Miss Torres won 1 Nat Issoudun 8,263p and 1 Nat (z) Argenton 2,901p – 2 Prov Blois 2,953p – 17 Nat Chateauroux 4,641p – 74 Nat Argenton 15,235p

Mother BE 17-2057492 Xena
Daughter of “191/16” Prince Torres won 15 Nat Ace Pigeon long distance KBDB 2017 with a.o. 2 Nat Jarnac 5,117p – 23 Nat (z) Limoges 2,174p x “101/15” Tiesto’s Witje won 1 S.Nat Limoges 3,599p himself

BE 21-2102114 “Little Torres” Hen

    4 Nat Aurillac                 5.342p
    8 Nat Tulle                      4.982p
  28 Nat Chateauroux       5.720p
  38 Nat Vierzon                5.780p
  86 Nat Bourges               5.529p
100 Nat Souillac                4.827p
176 Nat Bourges             24.221p

Father BE 18-2038286 Beauty Ace 
Son of “BE 15-110” Tiesto’s Ace – 9th Nat Ace Pigeon Long Distance KBDB 2017 and won 12th Nat Limoges 9,149p x “BE 13-262” Beauty Torres is grandmother of “Blue Lagoon” 2nd Nat Ace Pigeon Zw.H.F. 2020 over 3 races 

Mother BE 19-2142405 Sister Miss Torres 
“Miss Torres” won 1 Nat Issoudun 8,263p and 1 Nat (z) Argenton 2,901p – 2 Prov Blois 2,953p – 17 Nat Chateauroux 4,641p – 74 Nat Argenton 15,235p
Daughter of “BE 12-334” Olympic Safira x “BE 15-333” Roos is daughter of founding father Torres

Congratulations to Davy and Mr.Hua Feng on this victory from the entire HERBOTS TEAM.

Buelens Kim