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Veulemans – Perilleux from Vissenaken win 1st Provincial Bourges 2,333 yearlings

02 Jun 2024

On the first national race from Bourges you always have to take the Veulemans – Perilleux tandem from Vissenaken in Brabant into account. They consider all national flights to be important, but Bourges is still one step ahead. When we look at the winner of Bourges in 2024, we can only say that this pigeon was in top condition because she also won 1st from Lorris the week before against 516 pigeons and in almost the same conditions. That is why she was given the confidence to be basketed as the first nominated and so she was not disappointed. 

If you look at the family of this hen you can only find winners. Her father is a son of the new super breeder “Ivo” who became father of 1st National Argenton young pigeons in 2023 and father of 2nd National Bourges in 2022. Now he is also proving his top class a generation further. The “Ivo” was then coupled to a daughter of Hemera, who also won a 1st prize at Chateauroux. 

The mother of the current winner is “Aurora”, she won as a youngster in 2020 1st Provincial Chateauroux and 14th National at 1063 m/min. Headwind, they love it exactly. The grandmother is “Aura” and she also won 2x super early national races in the longer middle distance and is a daughter of “166”. This is the best breeding hen of the Platinum Pair on which the majority of this colony is still based. 

The racing team remains in total widowhood

The racing team here continues to be raced in total widowhood. In winter all racing pigeons are coupled and they raise a round of youngsters. They find this especially important for the yearlings so that they become really stable. After the young were weaned, they met once a week for a few hours. This is mainly so that we do not forget each other and that the hens do not become too eager to mate. The pigeons are no longer darkened here because we notice in our system that it has few advantages. The hens stay in a fairly dark cage so that they do not start throwing feathers too quickly. They always train here once a day, but this year the cocks trained more than the hens, while the hens come home more quickly. But the season is still long and the important flights for us are only starting now.

The hens stay in a resting loft during the week and always enter that resting loft. When it is a competition they know this all too well and they enter the loft of the cocks. 

Like everyone else, the preparation for Bourges did not go smoothly, they flew 1x Momignies, 4x Soissons, Lorris and then Bourges. Now after Bourges they will just stay at home with the bad weather forecast and if it is good on Monday or Tuesday we can always take it down and drive it and leave them together. 

As motivation we also try to build up slowly, on the shorter flights they split up in the early evening anyway. From national flights onwards, this will usually be the next day in the morning or afternoon. They especially take into account those who come the next day, so that they do not become completely demotivated. They have now applied this from Lorris and Bourges because the first peak was now gradually arriving. 

In terms of nutrition, we stick to our Hoebrechts mixtures. We use 50% Training Hoebrechts and 50% Racing Hoebrechts ). This last mixture received a new update in the winter where the small seeds were replaced by 5% corn and hempseed that was added extra. As soon as we go more to the long distance races or have very tough weather ahead of us, we will start feeding 100% Racing Hoebrechts. As an extra, they receive a daily mixture of grit, P40, and candy. 

Medical supervision was at a very low level this year, we want to keep it very limited and the pigeons received no treatment before the racing season. We only injected the pigeons with Paramyxo and Paratyphus before the racing season, the latter without prior treatment. 

We purified the pigeons after Lorris in the run-up to the national race

 from Bourges. On Sunday they received a TKK pill from Schroeder – Tollisan and a drop of Rozitol from Rohnfried. Afterwards they received a short treatment of Ornichlam from Schroeder – Tollisan. Now we hope to have to intervene as little as possible throughout the season. 

Winner Bourges
BE 23-2042356 “Auriana” Blue Hen

1 Prov Bourges                     2.333p
8 Nat                                    18.785p
1 Lorris                                      516p
7 Soissons                                455p
9 S.Nat Argenton                 1.306p

Father BE 20-2010712 Ivor 
Won himself 1 Lorris 234p – 3 Sermaises 315p – 4 Issoudun 212p – 5 Sermaises 436p – 6 Sermaises 1.261p – 34 S.Nat Nevers 7.325p  

Gr.F. BE 18-6045918 Ivo – Ivo Renders                
          Super breeder                
          Father of “627/21” 2 Nat Bourges 24,496p                
          Father of “630/23” 1 Nat Argenton 18,877 youngsters 2023                
          Brother of 2 Nat Chateauroux 2,413p
          Son of “987/13” Young William x “924/13” Isanity 
Gr.M. BE 13-2167956 The 956                
           Won 1 Chateauroux 230p ( 76 Nat 18,604p ) – 3 Gien 631p
           ½ sister of “Firestar” is grandmother of “630/23” 1 Nat Argenton 18,877 youngsters 2023                
          Daughter of “987/10” Late Chateau x “103/08” Hemera Super breeding hen

Mother BE 20-2010679 Aurora
Won herself 1 Prov Chateauroux 1,506p ( 14 Nat 10,317p ) – 4 Bourges 256p – 8 Chateauroux 367p  

Gr.F. NL 19-1667623 Light Checkered – Willem De Bruijn                
          Son of “NL 240/11” Darwin x “NL 220/11” Ilse
Gr.M. BE 09-2038207 Aura                 
          Won herself 5 Nat (z) Chateauroux 4,638p – 8 Nat Gueret 14,245p
          Mother of “737/11” 11 Nat Chateauroux 22,254p – 14 Nat Bourges 14,571p
         Daughter of “342/03” Den Bulldozer x “ 166/06” Den 166 is the best breeding hen of the Platinum Pair

Olav, Toon, Andre & Jacques, congratulations on this top performance from the entire HERBOTS TEAM.

Buelens Kim