Ben Hendriks (Apeldoorn – NL) The basic Van Wanroy loft

Patrick Vervloesem from Rijmenam wins 1st Provincial Chateauroux 2,935 young pigeons

Analyze Chateauroux 9 September

Dennis Veugelers from Nieuwstadt (NL) wins 1st Provincial Rethel 8,808 young pigeons

Leutenez Eddy & Maarten (Ruien) - 1st National Chateauroux 13.852 young birds (fastest 16,183 birds)

Team Hooymans WVL (Desselgem) 1st National Chateauroux 2.331 old birds

Super Updates News from OLR Zagreb Semifinal 2023

Team Van De Pasch from Grubbenvorst win 1-2-3-4 Rethel 2,351 youngsters

Sabrina Brugmans from Halen doubles down on Argenton in Limburg

Herbots Championships Ace Pigeons and Best Loft

Platteau Tom and Ante, 3 pigeons in the TOP 10 Provincial Vierzon against 1.386 p.

Platteau Tom and Ante, again a winning team in 2023

Ace Pigeon of the Month July Long Distance Herbots Championship

Berlin International, the largest racing pigeon event in Central and Eastern Europe!

Analyze Argenton 26-08-2023

Gwen van de Merwe Dordrecht shines with 4-7-8-9-11 NPO Pointoise against 15,429 youngsters

José Miguens, places Estremoz again at the highest point of the Columbófila in the district of Évora in 2023

Veulemans – Perilleux (Vissenaken) 1st and 2nd National Argenton 18.877 young birds

Roodhooft Andre (Pulderbos) 1st National Argenton 3.994 old birds (fastest from 22.871 birds)

Team Van De Pasch from Grubbenvorst dominates with the youngsters

Participation in our brochure "Racing To 2024"

Eddy Claes from Kortenaken shines with 1st Prov Vierzon 1,044 youngsters and 1st Prov Vierzon 1,989 yearlings

Bert Martens & Son from Elsloo (NL) win 1st Charleville 1,831 youngsters (fastest of 13,582 pigeons) and 1 + 2 Charleville 1,938 youngsters ( 1st and 2nd fastest of 4,834 pigeons)

"The Geeloger dynasty" of the late Koen Minderhoud

Ace Pigeon of the Month July Young Herbots Championship