Is a half-sister, same father, to:
1st Prov. and 5th Nat. Libourne 3,880b.
22nd Nat. Limoges 6,889b.
31st Nat. Chateauroux 8,075b.
49th Nat. Limoges 17,356b.
58th Nat. Argenton 9,851b.
100th Nat. Tulle 4,982b.
Father: “Elfs Runner” B19-6066532
Is father to above noted toppers
Is a grandson “Elfje”:
11th Nat. Ace KBDB GMD ‘13
Mother: “Friesje F-16” B20-6153380
Direct daughter “B14-6049641” x “Friesje”
“B14-6049641” is father to:
1st Nat. (z) Chateauroux 5,058b.
3rd best bird of Belgium Ranking over 3 nat. races
3rd Quievrain 208b.
4th Quievrain 719b.
6th Souppes 1,353b.
7th Vierzon 746b.
41st Nat. Chateauroux 10,442b.
And so on
59th Nat. Bourges 8,410b.
“Friesje” B18-6055484 won:
6th ace Olympic Hope Cat. C ’19-’20
4th Olympic Ace Cat. C ’22