Daughter 5th National Argenton 16,576b.
Father: “De Jean” B13-4277367 – original De Keyzer Marc
Won: 12 prizes in the first 10%
Is father to winners of:
1st/1,828b. (240km)
1st/706b. (383km)
1st/405b. (507km)
1st/47b. (339km)
5th/1,263b. (339km)
6th/556b. (136km)
6th/198b. (584km)
9th/3,639b. (240km)
50th/8,008b. (501km)
79th/4,055b. (339km)
And so on
Mother: “B21-6083644”
5th Nat. Argenton 16,576b. (581km)
55th Nat. Souillac 4,827b. (760km)
196th Nat. Bourges 24,006b.
15th/834b. (339km)
17th/541b. (339km)
And so on