Is a full sister to:
1st Nat. S1B Issoudun 3,255b.
1st NPO Issoudun 1,343b.
16th NPO Isoudun 3,249b.
6th NPO Melun 3,554b.
53rd NPO Sourdun 6,030b.
And so on
Father: “De 759” NL21-1408759
Is father to above noted toppers
Born out “De 978” x “Elena”
“De 978” NL18-1326978
Strain: Everling C. & M x Hendriks Jo & Florian
“Elena” NL17-1512394 won:
10th NPO Gien 2,895b.
Mother: “De 539” NL21-1393539
Is mother to above noted toppers
Born out “De 041” x “De 592”
“De 041” NL19-1138041
Strain: Everts & Zoon
“De 592” NL19-7006592
1st NPO Orleans 3,330b.
2nd Sens 1,585b.
2nd Melun 581b.
4th Chalons 249b.
6th Issoudun 140b.
And so on
Co-winner 2nd Nat. Champion NPO Youth (-30 years)