Is a half-sister, same father, to
3rd National ace ½ Fond “De Allerbeste” ‘20
5th Nat. ace ½ Fond/one-day-fond Pipa ranking ‘20
“539-Sister Leonora”:
3rd Peronne 3,453b.
20th NPO Issoudun 10,850b.
27th Peronne 3,603b.
50th NPO Fontenay 17,630b.
Father: “Rambo” NL18-5129358
5th National ace ‘18
Direct son “Zorro” (4th Nat. ace) x “Jill” (1st and 4th National ace winner)
Mother: “Rianne” NL17-1279953
1st NPO Chateauroux against 3,244b.
2nd Nat. Chateauroux against 12,511b.
5th Quievrain against 2,192b.
6th NPO Mantes against 12,413b.
19th Nat. Argenton against 8,702b.
Daughter out “Grandson Replay” x “Mila” (20th Nat. ace 2015 – 6 x Top-10 winner 13/19,772b. – 27/3,306b. – 28/6,295b.)