Pigeon Bids Herbots-Heller Part 3

20 Jul 14:00 -
30 Jul 14:00

Auction details

The name Herbots - Heller was christened on 1 January 1998. It was the late Filip Herbots who at that time, during the pigeon fair in Kassel, made plans with Ewald and Elvira Heller to start a "Marathon colony" in Germany. Marathon requires marathon pigeons and the basis of the Herbots-Heller colony was built in that view with the well-known and successful Jan Aarden and Jef Van Wanroy pigeons as a foundation. Over the years, this strain was obtained from Dutch, Belgian and German fanciers . During their career, Herbots-Heller achieved several national victories but the highlight was when they won 1st and 2nd prize internationally against 12,805 pigeons from the international race from Tarbes. What an unseen stunt that was!

Unfortunately, this internationally renowned tandem has to auction a number of pigeons. Due to an ongoing illness, Ewald (77 years young) has had several hospitalisations and his wife Elvira can no longer take care of all pigeons on her own.