Is a half-sister of Olympiad bird Brussels “Olympic Ace”
Father: “Purple Lord” DV04900-11-886
Is father to “Olympic Ace” (Olympiad bird Brussels 2017
Marathon - 7th Internat. Bordeaux 1,948b. - 20th Internat.
Narbonne 8,466b. - 212 Internat. St. Vincent 10,643b.)
Is father to: 7th Internat. Bordeaux 941b. - 14th Internat.
Marseille 8,253b. – 10th Internat. Bordeaux 1,594b. - 46th
Internat. Limoges 2,365b. - 64th Internat. Bourges 3,058b.
Is a direct son of “Picasso” (DV04900-07-280 - 1st National ace
internat. races ’08) x “Princess Elidan” (DV04900-01-554 - 1st
Nat. ace hens on international races ’03)
Mother: “Princess Glory” DV04900-12-1100
Is mother to winners of: 4th Nat. Perpignan, 33th Internat.
Bordeaux 1,506b. - 40th Internat. Bourges 3,409b. – 37th
Nat. Marseille 2,070b. – 97th Internat. Limoges 4,792b. -
and so on
Born out “Golden Glory” (1st Internat. ace over 3 internat.
races 2011 – 1st Nat. ace Marathon 2021 – 1st Nat. ace
Marathon on internat. races) x “Princess Elidan” (1st Nat.
ace hens on international races ’03)