Pigeon Bids Marc & Franky Van de Walle

30 Dec 14:00 -
08 Jan 15:00

Auction details

In this internet auction we sell children of the best racers and breeders of the East Flemish top colony Marc & Franky Van de Walle.
They have more than one pigeon that shines on the long and marathon. 


We like to introduce a few of them : 
“New Kolonel” 1st Nat Ace Belgium Herbots Championship 2024 
“Miss Barcelona” 5 Nat Ace Barcelona 2021-2024
“Iron Lady” 6 Int.Nat (h) Dax 1.888p
“Tito Valence” 2 Nat Valence 2.624p this year. 

The best breeders are also the best racers from the past, ‘De Libourne’ 1st Worlds’ Best long distance pigeon KBDB 2019 and 4 x Top 50 National , 
‘De Monti’ 4th Worlds’ best Marathon pigeon 2020, ‘Bordeaux Express’ is father to 11 x Top 50 National, ‘Devils 75’ 4 x Top 100 National.