Is a half-sister, same mother, to “Margaux”.
“Margaux” won: 
3rd Clermont 9,439b. – 5th Nat. Argenton 9,228b. – 7th Nat. La Souterraine 4,161b.- 6th Nat (z) Argenton 1,249b. – 17th Prov. Tours 4,113b.- 43rd Nat. Montluçon 14,230b. – 44th Nat. Argenton 25,949b. – 97th Nat. La Souterraine 11,236b. and so on


Father: “Brother Willemina” B16-3103871
- 100% Willem de Bruijn
Is a full brother to:
“Cameron”: 1st Nat. Argenton 15,235b. – 1st Nat. Limoges 9,661b. – 28th Nat. Chateauroux 13,098b.
“Willemina”: 1st Nat. Poitiers 14,109b. 
“Victoria”: 6th Nat. La Souterraine 9,760b.
“Irma”: 2nd Nat. Argenton 15,235b. – 25th Nat. Argenton 11,823b. – 44th Nat. Bourges 20,284b. – 68th Nat. Gueret 5,331b. – 73rd Nat. Bourges 20,397b.
“Irne”: 15th Nat. Chateauroux 8,640b.
Direct son “Spidey” x “Marie-Ann” (daughter 1st Nat. Bourges)
“Spidey” N11-1742464
Is a half-brother to 1st Nanteuil 34,200b. – 2nd Nat. Bourges 13,490b. – 7th Nat. Chateauroux 22,322b.
Direct son “Jeroen” (4th Nat. ace) x “Blue Fame” (5th Nat. ace) 


Mother: “Bryan” NL11-1742491 – original W. de Bruijn
Is mother to “Margaux”: all info see above
Born out “Nauwelaerts Cock” x “Ramona” (daughter “Olympic Zeus”)


  • Breeder:
    SIOEN LUC & HILDE 卢克&希尔德·西翁
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Lot 14 ”Daughter Bryan”


Winning bid
€ 2,200.00