Is a half-brother, same father, to “Coby”, winner of:
1st National ace Fond Pipa Ranking 2022
1st Dreis-Bruck 17,461b.
1st Sourdun 5,475b.
1st Sens 1,290b.
8th Arlon 8,934b.
8th Sourdun 5,502b.
Is a half-brother, same mother, to “Triple One”, winner of:
3rd Ace NPO old bird 2022
5th Best ace old bird of The Netherlands 2022 PIPA ranking
2nd Dreis Bruck 17,461b.
2nd Arlon 16,181b.
Father: “Obelix” B17-3000086 – original Pollin Marc & Geert
Born out “Bruce” x “Daughter As-Trix”
“Bruce” B13-3016047
Won on a very hard 896km race – velocity: 1,023 m/m:
1st National St. Vincent ‘015 against 3,045b.
“Daughter As-Trix” B13-3016150
Is a full sister to:
“Hamilton” (3rd Nat. Chateauroux 18,725b.)
“Alonso” (4th Nat. Chateauroux 17,109b.)
Mother: “Royalisa” NL20-1080643
Is a half-sister:
“Fahsai” (1st NPO 4,237b.)
“Lucius” (2nd NPO 5,502b.)
“Ruth” (2nd NPO 4,995b.)
“Kicky” (4th NPO 6,357b.)
Direct daughter “Royal Dream” x “Adisa” (5th ace one-day-long distance N.U. ’16)