Double granddaughter “Royal Dream”
Is a half-sister, same father, to
16th NPO Sourdun 5,475b.
24th NPO Salieu 3,371b.
67th NPO Vierzon 2,740b.
15th NPO Lorris 1,727b.
47th NPO
Sourdun 5,502.
Is a half-sister, same mother, to:
Father: “Arkadi” NL16-1072682
Direct son “Royal Dream” x “Zina”
“Royal Dream” NL12-1076982
Is father to “Fahsai”, winner of 1st NPO Sens 4,237b.
And so on.
“Zina” NL06-1597157
Won 2nd Nat. ace one-day-fond NPO 2007
2nd Chantilly 13,008b.
9th Orleans 9,670b.
21st Blois 5,277b.
45th Arras 8,314b.
64th Boxtel 11,222b.
Mother: “Ceylan” NL19-1244924
Is a half-sister to toppers:
1st prize Final race OLR Pattaya ‘18
1st NPO Sens 4,237b.
3rd NPO Troyes 3,783b.
8th NPO Sens 3,083b.
Direct daughter “Royal Dream” x “Galicia”