Is a half-sister to:
1st Nat. ace Pipa Fond ’22
1st Dreisbruck 17,461b.
1st NPO Sourdun 5,475b.
1st Sens 1,290b.
“All-in One” :
1st prize OLR Victoria Falls Zimbabwe 2020
– won US $: 225,000 + 30,000 (ace bird competition) and sold for 126,000€
4th NPO 4,995b.
8th NPO 5,053b.
9th prize final race OLR Pattaya ‘21
Is a half-sister, same father, to “107-13”, winner of:
1st Morlincourt 577b.
7th Boxtel 8,161b.
Father: “VD Wouwer 423” B14-6072423
- original Gaston Van de Wouwer
Born out “B11-6119137” x “B07-6033018”
Is a full brother to “Kim”, winner of 1st Nat. Gueret 14,245b.
Is the mother of “Palme D’Or”. “Palme D’Or” became at Casaert mother to “Amalia” (1st Nat. ace KBDB GMD ’11) and “Nikolaas” (1st Nat. ace KBDB GMD ’13)
Mother: “Alzina” NL13-1654987
Is mother to the above noted topbirds
Direct daughter “Magic Man” (1st Nat. Le Mans 15,252b., 3rd fastest 99,104b.) x “Zina” (2nd Nat. ace NPO one-day-fond ’07 and half-sister to “Magic Man”)