Won (no doubles)
34th Kalkar against 903b. (117km)
280th Rethel against 10,603b. (396km)
Is a half-sister, same father, to:
3rd NPO Troyes 6,357b.
14th Arlon 16,181b.
6th NPO Gray 2,077b.
12th NPO Gray 2,077b.
Father: “Paco”NL16-4783976
2nd NPO Sector 4 Bourges 5,877b.
3rd Duffel 1,498b.
20th Nat. S4 Chateauroux 3,647b.
25th Reims 8,193b.
37th NPO Chateauroux 2,943b.
Is a full brother to world-famous “Manu” and “Amadi” (4th Nat. ace one-day-fond WHZB ’18)
Is a half-brother to “Sapieha”:
car winner OLR SAMDPR ‘11
Born out “Super Crack Rik x “Goudband”
Mother: “Rana” NL20-4753809
4th ace Fond Afdeling 10 – 2022
1st Arlon 2,135b.
2nd Saulieu 3,371b.
5th Vierzon 5,962b.
7th Issoudun 2,082b.
37th Gennep 4,231b.
Direct daughter “Arnaldo” (son “Supercrack Rik” x “New Hope”) x “Thaisa” (Fastest Chimay 17,862b.)