Won (no doubles)
5th Arlon against 616b. (347km)
127th Tongeren against 14,277b. (234km)
And so on
Is a the nest-brother to “561-23”, winner of:
12th Rekkem 4,276b.
39th Rethel 10,603b.
55th Kalkar 15,066b.
70th Lorris 5,470b.
And so on
Is a full brother to “Rutendo”, winner of
3rd NPO Lorris 2,732b.
Is a half-brother, same father, to “All-in One” :
1st prize OLR Victoria Falls Zimbabwe 2020 –
won US $: 225,000 + 30,000 (ace bird competition) and sold for 126,000€
Is a half-brother, same mother to:
2nd NPO Vierzon 5,962b.
1st NPO Sens 4,410b.
2nd NPO Sens 3,160b.
6th NPO Vierzon 1,267b.
Father: “Peiren 524” B14-3149524 – original Peiren Noel
Is a half-brother to “Asduif 807”:
1st ace Entente Belge
Grandson “Kampioen”, winner of 15th Nat. Brive 9,466b.
Mother: “Geena” NL15-1230844
Is a full sister to “Miss Overegge”, winner of:
1st NPO Sens 8,211b.
1st NPO Souppes 6,892b.
1st Quievrain 12,996b.
Is full sister to “Augusto”, the father to:
Olympiad bird “Olympic Gaura”