Is mother to:
“Ainsley” winner of:
30th final race SAMDPR ‘16
“Ainsley” is mother to “Zambezi” winner of:
5th prize final race OLR Victoria Falls ’18 - Prize money US $ 63,700
“Ainsley” is grandmother to “Mr. Kap Choeng”:
1st Pattaya OLR ’20 (330km)
Father: “Bjarne” B02-4247563 – original De Rauw-Sablon
Is father to “Good Aim” (all info see above)
Is grandfather to:
1st Nat. S4 Lorris 6,086b.
2nd NPO Sens 6,386b.
9th NPO Pithiviers 4,494b.
3rd Pommeroeul 7,848b.
6th Ravenstein 5,247b.
Is a half-brother, same father, to “Miss Maniwan” (1st Nat. St. Vincent 25,807b.)
Direct son “Den Dromer” x “Sister Lucky 848”
Mother: “Monique” B06-4368520 – original Aelbrecht Marcel
Is grandmother to: “Martine”, “Amano”, “Kjeld’s Choice”, “Zawadi”, “Aine”, “Spencer”, “Belmira”, “Sifan”, “Mr. Kap Choeng”, and so on
Direct daughter “De Perpignan” x “Daughter Limoges”