Is a half-sister to winner of:
13th Super ace and 32nd prize Final race VFWCPR ‘22 598km against 2,271b.
Father: “Polmar” NL18-1456073
Is a half-brother to:
Olympiad bird middle distance Budapest
6th, 5th and 7th NPO winner
Winner final race PIPR 2018
Breeder of 1st prize against 17,000b. (at Gebr. Homma)
Direct son “Golden Capri” x “Galicia”
Mother: “Aime” B17-3077758 – original Ally N. & S.
Is a full sister to
“Neymar Junior”:
3rd National ace ½ Fond KBDB ‘17
“New Neymar”:
3rd Nat. ace Fond KBDB ’20 – 2 x 1st prov.
Direct daughter “Neymar” (1st National Montauban – fastest 6,119b. - 2nd Nat. Brive 3,850b.) x “New Schuma” (the nest-sister to “New Schumi”, winner of 2nd ace great middle distance ’15)