Is mother to “677-22”, winner of:
Is a half-sister, same mother, to:
1st Final race OLR Pattaya 2018
Is a half-sister, same father, to:
1st NPO Sens 4,237b.
44th Quievrain 8,902b.
69th Hapert 11,263b.
81st Morlincourt 5,379b.
3rd NPO Troyes 3,783b.
8th NPO Sens 3,083b.
Father: “Royal Dream” NL12-1076982
Is father to above noted toppers
Is grandfather to:
“Viento” (3rd Final race Million Dollar ’19)
“Amano” (1st Nat. S4 Lorris 6,086b.)
“Sifan” (fastest Sens Sector 10-11 against 10,701b.)
Is the great uncle to:
“James Legend” (1st ace Pioneer Club – sold for 2,78 million €)
Mother: “Galicia” NL13-1654919
Granddaughter “Kleine Dirk” x “Golden Lady”