Is a half-brother, same father, to:
5th NPO Chalons 7,756b.
19th NPO Sens 4,995b.
Father: “Robertas” NL17-1644003
Is a half-brother to: “
Alzina” (the mother of topper “Coby”)
“Big Surprise” (2nd NPO Blois)
“Miss Summun” (4th NPO Troyes 8,079b.)
Direct son “Dundee” (son “Cassius” x “Lady Promise”) x “Zina” (2nd Nat. ace one-day-fond NPO ’07)
Mother: “Idaira” NL22-8072251
Is a half-sister, same father, to
4th Ace one-day-fond Afdeling 10 – 2022
10th General ace Afdeling 10 – 2022
“Berny”: 6th NPO Vierzon 5,962b.
Is a half-sister, same mother, to:
1st NPO Sens 4,995b. (18 min. lead)
3rd NPO Sourdun 5,475b.
4th NPO Issoudun 4,348b.
5th NPO Sens 4,995b.
Double granddaughter “New Hope”