Cahors Old Pigeons


  • 14 Jun 2023 00:00
  • 17 Jun 2023 00:00
  • Old Pigeons

Vandriessche Luc (Kruisem): 1st National Cahors 4,155 old birds

"Zwarte Ko"

1st National Cahors 4,155 old birds

Distance: 730km
Velocity: 1,339.89 m/m


Kruisem: Cahors has its winner and this one is likeable Luc Vandriessche from Kruisem. His "Black Ko" managed to show his tail to the all Cahors convoy of 4,155 old pigeons with plenty of "grinta" in the wings. At 7.20am, the baskets were pulled open at Cahors and at a temperature of 17degrees with a slightly cloudy sky, they could start their long distance task. The wind caressed the participants lightly from the east and during the return leg the wind was variable but with a clear dominance from an easterly direction, varying this from south-east to north-east. The temperature flirted with the 28-degree mark during midday. Everyone therefore expected the first pigeons in the west of the country but that was without counting the exploit of Luc's national winner. His "Black Ko" (B21-4221381) covered the 730km at an average speed of 1,339.89 m/m. No Cahors flyer did better.

Cahors: 100% prize
"Am glad that I saw him coming", Luc starts his story "like everyone else, you start counting when the first pigeons are registered and as I had also expected the first pigeons to be a bit more western, I was shocked when I saw my "Black Ko" diving towards the drop board. What a unique moment to witness this. As Luc tells his story, another Cahors pigeon dives from the Kruisem sky. "Now they are all home. I had 3 with me and this is my last one" says Luc with a certain pride in his voice. The final result is certainly worth it. Nationally against 4,155 old birds his name is behind places: 1, 354 and 572. 
And when asked about the winner's pedigree, Luc asked some patience. "My companion Jean-Claude is now sitting behind the computer to put everything in order. Give me a hammer or other construction material and I will draw my plan, but a computer is not really my thing. A few minutes later, the pedigree chart was in our mailbox and we saw that the Cahors winner is a cross between Ko Van Dommelen's pigeons and his own strain. For example, the mother of "Black Ko" is a full sister to the 2nd International Narbonne '12 against + 11,000 pigeons. Also the successful breeding line of "Jordy" and "Monty" (Dekens Wilson) is not far woven into the pedigree. 

Classic widowhood
The season was started with a team of 9 olds and 21 yearlings. Luc: "I prefer to play with widowers. I also have some racing hens but these are between the youngsters and from there they are played on nests. The cocks are my most important pawns and for me only the long-distance and middle-distance results count. I see the other races as training. Those who have experience as a fancier on these races know that plans are made not to come true and I can guarantee you, here everything is in the interest of the pigeon itself. Recovering well and starting the next task with a full tank is more important here than winning some championship. If necessary, just one less flight will be played, but the well-being of the pigeons comes first."
On our arrival, Luc's garage gate was open and even then we could see from the numerous feed barrels that he likes to feed Versele-Laga feeds. "Unlike many, I like to work with purges" our Cahors winner tells us "maybe I am still of the old school but I feel good with that. For the rest, I feed them on time, with a generous portion of peanuts being eagerly fed the last few days before basketing. "
Medically, Luc consults vet Van Meirhaeghe Eric every three months, his advice is always followed. "But I am going to have to find a new vet because Eric has retired" adds Luc. 
And the future of this national winner? Well that will take place in the Far East because thanks to the professional care of the Herbots team, this topper is moving to a new owner. 
Luc and Jean-Claude, enjoy your first national victory and we hope that the 2nd national victory will soon follow. You are very much to be congratulated. 


Stefan Mertens