Argenton III Yearling & Old


  • 24 Aug 2023 00:00
  • 26 Aug 2023 00:00
  • Yearling & Old

Roodhooft Andre (Pulderbos) 1st National Argenton 3.994 old birds (fastest from 22.871 birds)

A national victory is no surprise for Andre Roodhooft from Pulderbos in Antwerp. His career in the pigeon sport is one of long duration and always at a high level. Last weekend from Argenton he was able to claim his 4th national victory against 3,994 old pigeons, his hen was also the fastest of all 22,871 pigeons that were released at 8:30 am in Argenton. The nice thing about this story is that this hen is a voucher that he had purchased from the top colony Niels Broeckx, the hen will go through life with the name "Marleentje" from now until the end of her career. A big compliment to the breeder and racer of this top hen.

Racing team

Since 2022, Andre has been approaching the pigeon sport at a more relaxed pace and has chosen to phase out. That is why the playing system also changed and went from classic widowhood to total widowhood, but he immediately makes a remark. Classic widowhood is better for my colony, I think the pigeons are better motivated than this system is now.

The racing pigeons were darkened from the beginning of March to May 18, also a comment here is that he will darken them for less time next year because the top condition took a little too long. A pigeon man who makes as few mistakes as possible has a top season, but everyone can make mistakes. Afterwards they were illuminated from the end of June until the end of the season.

In the beginning the pigeons were therefore raced on widowhood and they sometimes came together briefly before basketing (5 to 10 minutes), but usually they did not come together. After the flight, Andre always left them together until evening. They were coupled in mid-July because I hoped to be able to race them on the nest for the last 2 national races. I had to stay home with the hens for one week because they had to lay eggs, but afterwards they were able to pick up the rhythm again.

The pigeons were now basketed at Argenton at the end of brooding or youngsters of 4 days old maximum. The winner was one of those little boys of 4 days old. Now next week at Chateauroux we will see which pigeons are still in good shape and they will fly their last national race of the season.

The training here is always once a day, normally this is always in the morning. Now that they are on the nest, the cocks train in the morning and the hens in the late afternoon.

In terms of nutrition, Andre has been using the Natural mixtures all his life. When you get home, it is 2 parts Sport and 6 parts Super Diet, which contains Sedochol, Oregano and Brewer's Yeast. They also get this on Sunday morning. Afterwards the pigeons get a sport mixture every day and there is no question of light feeding, in between this mixture some small seeds and peanuts are added.

Medically, Andre is an experienced hand in his profession. The pigeons get a tricho cure before the racing season and during the season itself every 3 weeks something against tricho for a day and a half, especially if they basket for 2 nights every week. For the airways I only use something during the season if I notice that the condition or training during the week is deteriorating. Then they usually get something against the airways for 2 days and this 2 to 3 times a year maximum.

BE 22-6060477 “Marleentje” Hen
1st National Argenton 3.994 old birds ( fastest from 22.871 birds )
Original Niels Broeckx 

Arrival : 13:51:56
Distance : 563,475km
Velocity : 1750,74 m/min

She also won 6 Noyon 520p - 16 Prov Blois 1,350p - 23 Fay Aux loges 1,996p – 65 Prov Vierzon 1,507p – 92 Prov Vierzon 1,189p – 154 Prov Argenton 2,217p - 256 NAT Argenton 13,393p - 340 Prov Sermaises 13,368p.