Erio and Eric Alvarez

Hello Jo,

Eric and me want to thank you for the 3 pigeons you sent us. Your B-484/15 BBWft C and the 2 pale 8736 and 874/15 from Michaux Francois are super. They handle like we like and they are our type.

Thank you so much, Jo. 

Best regards,

Erio and Eric Alvarez

Humberto Zaballa

Hi Jo,

I am writing to thank you for this big surprise.
I appreciate a lot your negotiation of this extra free bird on top of your replacement bird as well.
Please give my thanks to the seller because of his nice gesture.

I am very happy about your great service Jo! Efforts like this highligths Herbots great Brand image.
And means guarantee overseas to the purchasing that we do.
Thank you a lot.

Best regards

Humberto Zaballa
Mexico City, Mexico.

Hiroshi Sugiyama

Dear sirs, Mr.Jo Herbots

Big News
Mr.Yoshiichi Higurashi got First Price Winnner of
Grand National Wakkanai Race 1100K dated May-10
This race is biggest race in Japan
Total Entry : 2553 pigeons  Speed : 1485 m

Father is NL04-2067753 "De Barcelona"
1st National Barcelona 7300-p 1100K - 2008

Mother is Grand daughter from "Sarina" (Hagens Brothers)
Father bought last year from you, now owner very happy
and he say thanks lots to Herbots family.
I can not understand it, then I had many time ask to
Mr.Higurashi, Really father is "De Barcelona"
I will send good photo for this one
Anyway, Now our group is very very happy

Yours faithfully,
Hiroshi Sugiyama