Won – no doubles - 43 prizes – 19 x 1/10
3rd Gueret against 108b. (529km)
105th Nat. Gueret against 12,208b.
7th Bourges against 138b. (411km)
8th Toury against 455b. (323km)
9th Argenton against 189b. (492km)
11th Soissons against 685b. (150km)
12th Soissons against 258b. (150km)
18th Toury against 464b. (323km)
And so on
Is a full sister to:
22nd National ace KBDB Fond 2022
Is a half-sister, same father, to:
27 prizes – 14 x 1/10
85th Nat. Limoges 6,889b.
21 prizes – 15 x 1/10
1st St. Soupplets 1,413b.
42nd Nat. Sancoins 9,753b.
1st Bourges
And so on
Father: “Bi Ad” B16-6076517 – original Wouters Marcel
Is father to above noted toppers
Is grandfather to:
1st National Argenton 17,210b.
Is a double grandson of national ace KBDB and Olympiad bird “Den Ad”
Mother: “Cees 230” B17-2150230
6th Provincial ace KBDB ½ Fond ‘18
95th Nat. Aurillac 3,886b.
2nd Nevers 353b.
3rd La Ferté 1,583b.
7th Orleans 448b.
9th Toury 1,891b.
And so on
As the name suggests the breastbone of this hen is broken
Zoals de naam suggereert het borstbeen van deze duivin is gebroken
Comme le nom l'indique, le sternum de cette femelle est cassé.