Is at Stabel L. & son grandmother to
5th NPO Issoudun 2,093b.
106th NPO La Souterraine 2,085b.
139th NPO St. Phil. 2,063b.
Father: “ Ton” NL14-1809851
Born out “Justin” x “Jessie”
“Justin” NL12-1455049 won:
2nd and 3rd Nat. acebird winner
2nd Nijvel 1,596b.
5th Meer 2,397b.
5th Wolvertem 1,899b.
7th Arras 1,856b.
7th Nanteuil 1,779b.
“Jessie” NL10-1512046 won:
1st National ace Allround WHZB and THOTB
Is a full sister to “Drogba”
Mother: “Pippa” NL16-1526092
6th Chateauroux 3,769b.
17th Blois 6,333b.
82nd Laon 8,578b.
110th Pointoise 14,688b.
Is mother to:
11th and 21st National S2 winners Pontoise against 8,068b.
Born out “Donald” (son “Magnum” x “Bubbles”) x “Magic Adora” (daughter “Magic Man” x “Adora”)