Is a half-sister, same mother, to:
“Ainsley” winner of:
30th final race SAMDPR ‘16
“Ainsley” is mother to “Zambezi” winner of:
5th prize final race OLR Victoria Falls ’18
- Prize money US $ 63,700
“Ainsley” is grandmother to “Mr. Kap Choeng”:
1st Pattaya OLR ’20 (330km)
Father: “Miron” NL16-1072934
Is a half-brother, same mother, to:
1st Perigueux 2,688b. – fastest sector 3 & 4 against 10,405b.
2nd Limoges 825b.
2nd Dax 646b.
5th ace Sector 4 Marathon 2017
“De Staart”:
1st Cahors 407b. (1,032km)
2nd Orange 338b. (969km)
1st Perigueux 1,136b.
Is a half-brother, same father, to:
3rd General ace Afdeling 10 ‘22
3rd young Pigeon Champion Lady League NPO’21
1st NPO Sens 4,237b.
44th Quievrain 8,902b.
69th Hapert 11,263b.
81st Morlincourt 5,379b.
3rd NPO Troyes 3,783b.
8th NPO Sens 3,083b.
Direct son “Royal Dream” x “Peiren 276”
Mother: “Oda” NL14-4750643
Direct daughter base pair “Bjarne” x “Monique”