Is a father to:
16th NPO Sourdun 5,475b.
24th NPO Salieu 3,371b.
67th NPO Vierzon 2,740b.
15th NPO Lorris 1,727b.
47th NPO Sourdun 5,502.
“253-Daughter Mara”:
6th Ace one-day-fond Afdeling 10 – ‘22
Is a half-brother, same father, to:
3rd General ace Afdeling 10 ‘22
3rd young Pigeon Champion Lady League NPO’21
1st NPO Sens 4,237b.
44th Quievrain 8,902b.
69th Hapert 11,263b.
81st Morlincourt 5,379b.
3rd NPO Troyes 3,783b.
8th NPO Sens 3,083b.
mother to “Amano” (1st NPO Lorris 6,086b.)
Father: “Royal Dream”
Is father to above noted toppers
Is grandfather to:
“Viento” (3rd Final race Million Dollar ’19)
“Amano” (1st Nat. S4 Lorris 6,086b.)
“Sifan” (fastest Sens Sector 10-11 against 10,701b.)
Is the great uncle to:
“James Legend” (1st ace Pioneer Club – sold for 2,78 million €)
Mother: “Zina” NL06-1597157
2nd Nat. NPO ace one-day-fond ’07
2nd Chantilly 13,008b.
9th Orleans 9,670b.
21st Blois 5,277b.
45th Arras 8,314b.
64th Boxtel 11,222b.
Direct daughter “Deng Lin’s Favourit” (won 1st NPO Ablis 10,609b.) x “Annelies” (full sister “Kleine Dirk”)