Is a half-sister, same mother, to
1st Nat. ace Pipa Fond ’22
1st Dreisbruck 17,461b.
1st NPO Sourdun 5,475b.
1st Sens 1,290b.
“All-in One” :
1st prize OLR Victoria Falls Zimbabwe 2020
– won US $: 225,000 + 30,000 (ace bird competition) and sold for 126,000€
9th prize final race OLR Pattaya ‘21
4th NPO Sens 4,995b.
8th NPO Lorris 5,053b.
Is a half-sister, same father, to:
3rd NPO Troyes 6,357b.
14th Arlon 16,181b.
6th NPO Gray 2,077b.
12th NPO Gray 2,077b.
Father: “Paco”NL16-4783976
2nd NPO Sector 4 Bourges 5,877b.
3rd Duffel 1,498b.
20th Nat. S4 Chateauroux 3,647b.
25th Reims 8,193b.
37th NPO Chateauroux 2,943b.
Is a full brother to world-famous “Manu” and “Amadi” (4th Nat. ace one-day-fond WHZB ’18)
Is a half-brother to “Sapieha”:
Car winner OLR SAMDPR ‘11
Born out “Super Crack Rik x “Goudband”
Mother: “Alzina” NL13-1654987
Is mother to the above noted topbirds
Direct daughter “Magic Man” (1st Nat. Le Mans 15,252b., 3rd fastest 99,104b.) x “Zina” (2nd Nat. ace NPO one-day-fond ’07 and half-sister to “Magic Man”)