
Analyze Marseille International

27 Jul 2023
 Old birds
EPR Brabant Wallon-Hainaut567
EPR Liège Namur Luxembourg371
Vlaams-Brabant 259


Beetje bij beetje nemen de aantallen duiven in Marseille toe. Van 1.882 duiven in 2021 naar 2.590 dit jaar, oplopend naar 2.326 in 2022, zien we een toename van de belangstelling voor deze competitie, die nog steeds een van de mooiste van het internationale seizoen is.
Ondanks deze opleving gaan sommige provincies en EPR's er nog steeds op achteruit. Antwerpen verloor 59 duiven en de EPR LNL, hoewel op een goede vluchtlijn, verloor 39 duiven. De grootste toename komt van Limburg, dat 173 extra duiven heeft. Dit is ook het geval voor West-Vlaanderen, +70 duiven, de HBW EPR +68 duiven...
De duiven werden gelost om 7 uur 's morgens. Marseille had al een temperatuur van 24°C onder een lichte sluier van bewolking en een lichte wind uit het N.W. De rest van de reis verliep onder veranderlijke winden, van het N.N.W. naar het Noorden in de Rhônevallei, dan van het N.W. naar het Westen en uiteindelijk naar het Z.W. in België.
West-Vlaanderen kende een zeer slechte start in deze competitie en was de enige provincie die geen duiven registreerde op de eerste vluchtdag. Antwerpen wist de schade te beperken door 4 duiven te registreren op de eerste dag. Het is de provincie Luxemburg die de kastanjes uit het vuur haalt door de eerste 2 plaatsen in te nemen. 


Nationale top 10

1. FERNANDEZ-PEREIRA-HELDER d’Aubange, 1072,6856 m

2. A Feck de Halanzy, 1062,9816 m

3. Bonmariage-Masson d’Ouffet, 1057,9362 m

4. 7. J Goose de Houffalize, 1057,1829 et 1037,3119 m

5. E Meirlaen de Deurle, 1050,3000 m

6. Herremans-D’Haeseleir de Zoutleeuw, 1046,5689 m

8. P Campinne de Doische, 1036,6288 m

9. Rans J & S de Wijgmaal, 1035,0499 m

10. Woouters R & D de Zelem-Halen, 1034,6697 m

Despite the Walloon success, the top 10 also included six provinces: Luxembourg, Liège, East Flanders, Flemish Brabant, Namur and Limburg.
The race started at just under 1,100 metres and speeds plummeted when the 1,000 metres was already out of reach in 30th place. Fortunately, speeds stabilised much better after that, putting the pole past the halfway mark again.
West Flanders and Antwerp had the longest distances of the competition, with distances approaching or exceeding 900km, while victory was decided by just over 700km.
The top 100 was shared between Hainaut, which took 23 prizes despite starting outside the top 10, Limburg 21, Luxembourg 14, Liege 11, East Flanders and Flemish Brabant 9, Namur 6 and Walloon Brabant 3. West Flanders did not feature in the top 100.
The top 100 contained some fine prize-winning series, although the numbers per amateur were not the most consistent. O Dewolf had the longest series with 13, 31, 32, 66, 78, 90, followed by J Gans with 4, 7, 24, 52, 63, T Sibille with 37, 50, 69, 92 for a brilliant 4/6. Others stood out for their faultless performances. This was the case for M Milissen's 1/1 on 12, Van Gaver T & M 45, M Bertrand 99....

First finishes by province and EPR

EPR LNL, Fernandez-Pereira-Helder d'Aubange "Lx", 1072.6856m, 1 national (Bonmariage-Masson d'Ouffet "Lg", 1057.9362m, 3 nat and P Campinne de Doische "N", 1036.6288m, 8 nat)
East Flanders, E Meirlaen de Deurle, 1050.3000m, 5 nat.
Flemish Brabant, Herremans-D'Haeseleir de Zoutleeuw, 1046.5689m, 6 nat.
Limburg, Wouters R & D de Zelem-Halen, 1034.6697 m, 10 nat.
EPR HBW, O Dewolf de Besonrieux "H", 1024.4361 m, 13 nat (Matei C & A de Tubize "BW", 1022.9311 m, 15 nat) 
Antwerp, B Pepermans de St Katelijne Waver, 983.7525m, 58 nat.
West Flanders, Injon-Vanrie de Beernem, 869.2877m, 179 nat.

The zones in brief
Zone A1, 463 old
Zone A1 got off to a good start with E Meirlaen from Deurle, 5th nationally, winning the zone and the provincial East Flanders. However, only the top eight reached the top 100 and the slightly late finish meant the loss of 10 prizes at national level.
In the 10-prize category, there were virtually no repeat winners. We remember E Meirlaen at 1, 20 for the first double and 24, Vandemeulebroecke C & X 6 for the first Walloon and 21, W Bruyneel 9 and 25, N De Keyzer 8 and 30 for a 2/2, as well as C Hebberecht at 29 and 43...
On the Walloon side, we also find R Vanderheeren 32, P Dubois 33...
Zone B1, 1390 old
We remain in the national top 10 with 3 prizes, including Herremans-D'Haeseleir from Zoutleeuw who is also first in provincial Flemish Brabant.
Zone B1 occupied 50 places in the top 100 and closed the competition with an additional national prize. The top 100 was not devoid of some fine prize-winning series. Among them, M De Smaele 18, 52, 55, 57, 63, 66, 67, O Dewolf 4, 13, 14, 37, 43, 48, O Novak 15, 34, 54, 62, 83, 84...
Zone C, 737 olde
The top four places in the national rankings, six prizes in the top 10 and 42 prizes in the top 100 go to Zone C, with eight additional prizes.
Fernandez-Pereira-Helder d'Aubange came out on top, winning the national prize, the zone prize and the Luxembourg provincial prize.
The prize for the longest series of prizes went to J Goose, who took 4, 5, 12, 23, 27, 54, 66 and 70 places for an 8/13 in the prix par 10. He is followed by B Burniat, who is in prize money. He is followed by B Burniat who is in place 7, 13, 28, 56, 65.
On the Flemish side, we find M Milissen in place 8 for a 1/1, L Verstraeten 9, G Houbrechts 11, R Lenaers 16, S Thijs 17, W Simons 19...


Some figures
Winner's speed, 1072.6856m
Gap between the first 2, 5'59
Speed of the 100°, 953.3538 m
Speed of the last classified runner, 8h55'30
Duration of the race, 6h02'06''
Average distance between 2 pigeons, 33.6 seconds
Gap between the first Belgian and the first international, 16'34''.


The females in brief
Despite their small numbers, the hens are doing very well. The Belgian ranking starts with :
1. HERREMANS-D'Haeseleir de Zoutleeuw, 6th in the national ranking.
2. Rans J & S de Wijgmaal, 7th in the national rankings.
3. Matei C & A de Tubize, 15 nat in total
4. Van de Walle M & F de Munkzwalm, 21 wins in total
5. D Roosen from Bocholt, 30 in total


In contrast to Belgium, where the number of pigeons increased by 11%, the number of international pigeons remained unchanged at 9,833, compared to 9,806 last year. This total is explained by the presence of 3,200 Dutch, 3,122 French, 2,590 Belgians, 886 Germans and 35 Luxembourgers.
The neutralisation once again had a negative effect on the competition. The Netherlands won the race with a time of 5h16' over a distance of 1038 km. Other pigeons, sitting in front, were also in this spiral, which shows that pigeons fly during neutralisation. This is the case of international 4 at 0h10' or international 10 at 2h31', i.e. 3 pigeons disrupting the international top 10.
Netherlands, L Rieks de Nieuwleusen, 1100,50 m, 1 international
France, F Menez de Voyenne, 1095.78 m, 2 internationals.
Belgium, Fernandez-Pereira-Helder d'Aubange, 1072.69m, 5 internationals.
Germany, Maurer D & P de Massweiler, 1063.54m, 8 internationals.
Luxembourg, Friezas M & F de Moutfort, 1009.43m, 88 on board.
The Netherlands shared the top 100 with 49 prizes, Belgium 24, France 17, Germany 9 and Luxembourg 1.
All the top 100 have a speed of over 1000m.
M Philippe