
Bart & Nance Van Oeckel, 1st Provincial Tulle yearlings and so many more top results in 1 weekend !

06 Aug 2021

The weather was predicted being unsure as almost our entire summer has been, the wind was a bit different this weekend and was noticeable in the north of the country at amongst other the Van Oeckel family, what they put on paper this weekend an all possible races...in one word 'impressive'  !

Bourges (Vierzon) 501km 31/07/2021

1,003 old birds : 3 – 14 (2/4)

2.082 yearbirds: 3 – 85 – 121 – 124 – 298 – 374 – 432 (7/13)

4,079 youngsters: 10 – 161 – 742 (3/13)

National Zone B3

1,413 old birds : 3 – 11 (2/4)

1,823 yearbirds : 2 – 70 – 88 – 90 – 196 – 247 – 277 (7/13)

2,658 youngsters : 11 – 111 – 478 (3/13)


8,410 old birds : 19 – 53 – 1580 (3/4)

11,952 year birds : 15 – 242 – 332 – 338 – 755 – 933 – 1075 – 2351 (8/13)

18,710 youngsters : 24 – 289 – 1497 (3/13)

The 24th National Bourges youngsters is  BE21-6087159 and has about all the best genes to be found on the lofts in Oud-Turnhout. She is for starters via fathers' side a granddaughter to super breeder r ‘Gaston Jr’ x super breeding hen ‘Gust Diamant’ who is a granddaughter  ‘F16’ . On mothers' side she is a daughter to breeding hen  ‘654’ who is on her turn a granddaughter to super breeders  ‘Crazy Boy’ x ‘F-super One’ (daughter ‘F16’ x ‘Super One’). In other words, you can find the blood of the 3 base breeders  ‘Gaston Jr’, ‘F16’ and ‘Crazy Boy’ in her blood and according to me this isn't the last thing we will hear about this super hen. 

Tulle 685km 31/07/2021


593 old birds : 11 – 18 – 51 – 52 – (14/26)

1,008 yearbirds : 1 – 8 – 9 – 11 – 18 – 19 – 21 – 30 – 31 – 32 – 40 – 42 – 46 – 51 – 57 – 61 – 57 – 61- 75 – 78 – 79 – 86 – 90 – 95- 98 – 117 – 126- 172 – 194 – 213 – 215 – 218 – 241 (39/57)

National Zone B2

1,233 old birds : 23 – 36 – 100 – 101 – 167 – 189 – 190 – 201 – 213 (11/26)

1,760 year birds : 5 – 16 – 17 – 23 – 38 – 40 – 41 – 63 – 64 – 65 – 82 – 89 – 96 – 102 – 107 – 112 – 134 – 143 – 145 – 152 – 160 – 170 – 176 – 202 – 214 – 292 – 325 – 353 – 360 – 369 – 420 (31/57)


5,067 old birds : 52 – 76 (13/26)

7,267 year birds : 7 – 29 – 30 – 43 – 75 – 77 – 79 – 132 – 137 – 138 – 176 – 192 – 206 – 219 – 235 – 246 – 319 – 339 – 342 – 359 – 383 – 420 – 441 – 570 – 627 – 935 (35/57)

The 7th National Tulle yearlings against 7,726 yearlings is BE20-6154467 ‘Tulleke’ 

Quièvrain 136km 01/08/2021

Club Oud-Turnhout

1,285 youngsters : 12 – 14 – 26 – 37 – 38 – 39 – 56 – 83 – 94 – 95 – 97 – 98 – 105 – 129 – 138 – 140 – 147 – 164 – 167 – 171 – 172 – 179 – 196 – 224 – 235 – 304 – 307 – 370 – 374 (30/60)

This is the 3rd round that were basketed for the first time on a race and immediately 50% prize....this is very promising for the coming weeks ! 

Nanteuil 290 km 31/07/2021

Hafo Club Oud-Turnhout

795 youngsters : 1 – 12 – 17 – 21 – 22 – 23 – 25 – 26 – 27 – 28 – 39 – 43 – 60 – 71 – 72 – 83 – 86 – 90 – 104 – 122 – 124 – 129 – 137 – 144 – 167 – 168 – 184 – 185 – 186 – 198 – 209 – 211 – 228 – 247 – 254 – 256 (36/71)

First youngster on this middle distance race is BE21-6087135 and comes out of a son to the 1st National Limoges 2017 against 10,554 pigeons and which is a direct Herbots pigeon and is also an inbred to 'Nationaal I' from the Herbots family and took care already of many top pigeons! Her mother is a direct hen from Team de Jaeger who seems an excellent breeding hen on the lofts from Bart & Nance. 

Bart, Nance and team, congratulations with these results and good luck for the coming weekends!