

26 Jun 2023

With a history starting in 2011, Berlin race is the most famous marathon race in Romania! Since 2023 this race becomes international, representing the biggest challenge for Eastern Europe and not only!

On 5th August 2023, pigeons will be released in the largest race ever organized in Eastern Europe and the organizers hope that it is just the beginning of a new ERA for the racing pigeon sport in this area.

The organizer of this race is the National Union of Pigeon Fanciers in Romania and the codonator is our old friend, Mr. Marius Tunduc!

The list of participants includes pigeon fanciers from the following countries: Italy, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Hungary, Slovakia, Ukraine, Bulgaria and, of course, Romania.

The race will be a long one and will require that pigeons be able to find their way home on a very large opening. From Italy to Ukraine is a flight opening of 1300 km and pigeons must choose the right route to their home.

The international rankings will be divided into 2: 

  1. 600 – 900 km
  2. Over 900 km

With distances starting from 600 km for Slovakia and ending with over 1400 km for Bulgaria and Romania, we will have an exciting and challenging race that only the strongest pigeons will win!

Prizes are offered by Benzing which will reward with trophies the first 3 pigeons and the first 3 fanciers on the 2 international rankings! The first 3 pigeons will receive a Benzing watch!

Awarding will take place at Benzing stand at the Maastricht Olympiad in January 2024!

Herbots family is the media partner of the race and we will constantly inform you about the preparations of this competition, about the release and arrivals, but also about the winners of this race.

Let's wish success to our colleagues!