
Danny & Nick Van Avondt from Wespelaar win 1st Provincial Vierzon yearlings

24 May 2024

The yearlings of Nick & Danny Van Avondt did fantastic on the first interprovincial flight from Vierzon. They not only win 1st Provincial against 638 yearlings, but also 3rd and 8th, in total they win 12 prizes from their 15 pigeons. Once again it is the line of “Million” & “Super Million” that still forms the common thread in this colony. 

Only with hens

The hens do not breed in the winter and stay in the aviary, which is also their aviary during the season. This is sheltered at the top by a gable roof and there is a lot of oxygen available here. 

The hens come outside for the first time around the end of January or the beginning of February, from the moment Danny starts training they come outside every day. Unfortunately, he also had to deal with birds of prey and his best hen was lost. The hens initially train in the afternoon and when the season is in progress he switches to the morning. Preferably as early as possible, in the summer this can even be 6:30 am. The hens were darkened from March 1 to the end of April, in the hope of getting into shape later with the aim of being able to shine in the national flights. The hens trained very smoothly in the spring and now it is of course less once they are in the middle distance. Half an hour of flying every day is now sufficient for me. 

In the spring they are coupled once for 3 days to have a permanent partner, first 12, then the cocks are given 2 days of rest and then it is the turn of the second group for 3 days. 

In the preparation for Vierzon they first flew 2x Momignies, 2x Soissons, then they were returned from Sermaises to Noyon. The following week they flew Sermaises and last weekend Vierzon. Now the team is heading back to Bourges and we will see how that goes, normally the plan is that they will fly a shorter flight between the national flights, for example Soissons. But everything depends on the flights themselves and what the weather will be like in the weeks between the important races.

The hens always live in the aviary day and night, only during the period when they are darkened do they come in in the evening to be darkened. When this period is over, they are outside again day and night.

Do you do something special in the field of motivation? 

I used to take care of all that, but sometimes we end up with more work than is necessary. That is why nothing has been shown yet. Last year I applied the system that they were allowed together from the middle distance on the day of basketing, the first group around noon and then the other in the afternoon. I haven't done anything yet this season and I'm going to keep it that way for a while. If I see that they are less motivated and still become more eager to mate, I can still use the motivation to get them better again. When they return home, they go into their resting loft and can go to the aviary, where food and drinks are ready to help them recover from the flight. Afterwards I leave them in shifts with their cock and they are allowed together for a maximum of 1 hour. As the season progresses this will become longer and I also dare to leave the 2nd group together at night, for example. But that is still too early to do, you have to respond to the season and see how everything goes. If the speed flights are very smooth in the beginning, they can go straight to their cocks. If you have a difficult flight during the preparation, I choose to let the pigeons recover for a while and only give the pigeons their cocks afterwards so that they can really enjoy this. to have. 

The hens are raced here in widowhood throughout the season and are not given additional lighting. For me, early August is usually the final destination for the old and yearlings. 

Winners Vierzon

BE 23-2002411 Checkered Hen

Won 1st Provincial Vierzon 638p (2 I.Prov.Vierzon 3,109p)

Father BE 17-2019694 Checkered white flight 
Brother of “Blue Million” 2 Prov Ace pigeon great middle distance KBDB – 1 Prov Blois 3,122p - 1 I.Prov. La Souterraine 2,645p – 14 Nat La Souterraine 16,613p – 32 Nat Chateauroux 14,955p
Son of “946/11” Brother Million & Super Million x “617/13” Blue Jespers – Vanderwegen

Mother BE 20-2063341 Blue – Daughter Janne
Daughter of “275/14” Brother Million & Super Million x “737/16” Janne – 1 Ace Pigeon great Middle Distance Brabantse Unie 2017 – 1 I.Prov.Argenton 3,355p ( 4 Nat 19,592p ) – 6 Nat (z) Bourges 4,831p – 63 Nat (z) Argenton 3,254p

BE 23-2002423 Blue Hen

  2 Orléans              803p ( 20 Prov Orléans 3.505p )
  3 Prov Vierzon     638p ( 13 I.Prov.Vierzon 3.109p )
22 Soissons           412p
53 Soissons        1.266p

Father BE 22-6155463 Checkered – Van Hoof – Vanwijngaerden
Brother of “Pebbles” 2 Nat Chateauroux 24,617p – 3 Nat Argenton 14,787p – 119 Nat Bourges 22,506p
½ brother “Isaura” 1 Etampes 3,663p – 9 Nat Issoudun 11,465p
Son of “217/ 16” Bear x “326/16” Fifieke Patricia Verhaegen

Mother BE 14-2177067 Blue
Daughter of “102/12” Zwarte Brother Million & Super Million x “271/13” Checkered is ½ sister Million & Super Million

BE 23-2002404 Checkered Hen

  1 Soissons           200p
  3 Soissons           681p
  6 Soissons           475p
  8 Prov Vierzon    638p ( 41 I.Prov.Vierzon 3.109p )
11 Soissons       1.268p

Father BE 16-6272375 Red Niels Broeckx
Proven topbreeder
Father of “041/19” 2 Nat Issoudun 9.772p
Brother 10 Nat Ace middle distance KBDB 2015

Mother BE 19-2021131 Dark Checkered
Daughter from “712/16” Dark Checkered won himself 92 Nat Argenton 19.592p and 149 Nat Bourges 28,078p x “617/13” Blue Jespers – Vanderwegen

Nick & Danny, congratulations on this great victory from the entire HERBOTS TEAM.

Buelens Kim