
Deprez-Bataille (Zwevegem) : 2 weeks in a row Provincial victory out of Chateaudun

10 Jun 2020

The tandem Willem Deprez and Yvan Bataille won the past season twice in a row the provincial victory out of Chateaudun. After performing well the entire season, the pigeons in Zwevegem grew towards an absolute good shape by half of July...On the 13th of July the race out of Chateaudun was scheduled, in total 7,622 young pigeons were being basketed. Willem and Yvan had 17 basketed and won their first provincial victory of 2019, but next to this provincial victory that had a nice range with 5 pigeons within the top 100, 13 pigeons per 10 and 15 prizes ! 
One week later they basketed again for Chateaudun and this time it was a yearling hen that took the provincial victory home...and again a marvellous result for the entire loft...against the 1,117 pigeons on a provincial level they won : 1, 5 and 8 with only 3 pigeons basketed! 

*A new start at Zwevegem:
They used to race with the name 'Bataille-Devolder-Deprez' in Vichte. But as Yvan Bataille, where the lofts were situated, had to get rid of the pigeons out of the blue due to a long disease, they had to sell everything in 2014. Willem Deprez decided in an instant to place new lofts at his house in Zwevegem. They started off there with some bought back pigeons from their own strain in Vichte. 
This is how a new tandem was born in 2015.  Willem Deprez and Yvan Bataille (Yvan doesn't enter the lofts anymore but is present when the pigeons have to arrive from a race, helps taken the pigeons for a toss, brings in the clock,...). Andre Veys, loyal fan and neighbour from Willem, is a guy that they can count on always as well to help out when necessary. 
In 2016  they already had with 'As Spartacus'  a 3rd Provincial Ace bird on the long distance races with the young birds in West-Flanders...and the results only go up since the restart in 2015. 

*Strains and loft occupation: 
Willem and Yvan have: 
-12 fixed breeding couples and about 3 new composed couples.
-15 to 20 racing hens (old + yearlings), this according to the delivered results as youngster. In 2019 the criteria was to race 8 times per 10. 
-Every year about 90 youngsters are bred
They started off with ao 2 half-brothers that were bought back from their own pigeons in Vichte, these half-brothers are from the 'Mannequin' from Roger & Jurgen Vervaeke from Deerlijk. These are the base of their current loft, accomplished with pigeons from Erik Vandekerkhove from Aalter, and Dewaele-Deseyn from Vichte  where they had a successful (at both sides) co-breeding. Later on these were being accomplished with pigeons from Pierre Bourgeois Izegem and Rudi Hendrikx Maasmechelen.

*Provincial victory 13 July Chateaudun young birds:
On the 13th of July Chateaudun was on the program, a race that is being rated really high since many years in West-Flanders. The pigeons were released on the 13th in Chateaudun at 9h20...this with beautiful weather and head wind. For Willem and Yvan a start of an amazing 8-days. They basketed 17 youngsters for this race and both on a regional as provincial level they won 15 prizes...regionally they start with the first 3 prizes...and also on a provincial level they left the competitors behind with the provincial victory against 7,622 young birds. It became a super race for the tandem with the following result: 
-regional: 1,2,3,10,12,20,22,23,26,27,30,41,44,60,81  against 205b.
-provincial: 1,9,32,85,92,224,232,247,323,343,368,626,724,1384,2341  against 7,622b.

The pigeon that won the 1st Provincial is : 3103932/2019 'Dancing Queen'
Her palmaris:
01/06 Clermont 79/257
08/06 Clermont 46/311
22/06 Fontenay 29/142                prov. 1026/3197
29/06 Clermont 21/861
06/07 Fontenay 2/513                   prov. 12/7144
13/07 Chateaudun 1/205             prov. 1/7622
22/07 Chateaudun 56/464           prov. 498/7170
03/08 Pontoise 56/550                  prov. 730/17443
24/08 Argenton 99/1231              prov. 359/5995                 nat. 1324/23258
31/08 Pontoise 50/305                  prov. 2322/7596
06/09 Chateauroux 121/618       prov. 548/3608                  ZA2. 1124/5686

*Provincial victory on the 20th of July Chateaudun old birds:
On the 20th of July, exactly one week later they hit the rose again and again on Chateaudun, but now it were the old birds that took on the responsibility with a yearling hen. This time they waited until 10h30 to release the pigeons until the weather cleared, and also with light weather they were the provincial winners ...and this time with an even more beautiful result. Against 1,117 old birds it became a true triumph with : 1 - 5 and 8th Provincial with only 3 pigeons basketed! 
The Provincial winner is : 3071012/2018 'Yana'
Her palmaris:
06/04 Arras 44/235
20/04 Clermont 4/231yl.
27/04 Clermont 10/116yl.
12/05 Blois 56/288yl.                       prov. 237/1400jy.
                               136/533old.         prov. 670/3588old.
15/06 Chateaudun 49/193yl.       prov. 686/2917yl.
                               72/306old.           prov. 1493/4848old.
22/06 Fontenay 5/77yl.                 prov. 216/2337yl.
                               9/170old.             prov. 464/3999old.
29/06 Fontenay 1/53                     prov. 58/1362yl.
                                                               prov. 132/2362old.
13/07 Chateaudun 12/87             prov. 70/1331yl.
                                                               prov. 138/2331old.
20/07 Chateaudun 1/57               prov. 1/1117
29/07 Fontenay 4/16                     prov. 85/566

This hen only raced a few races as youngster as she was kept aside" after an injury. As her brother performed really well as youngster, she could go to the racing team of the old birds anyway. 

The young birds are being raced on the sliding doors system. The old and yearling birds are only hens and are being raced on widowhood. They can breeda an early round of youngster with their widowcock. After this they are being placed in aviaries and the widowhood starts of from then on. Once the races start, the cocks are being showed before basketing and at arrival they are waiting half-box for the hens. As the youngsters are being raced on the sliding doors system they can easily let the hens out for training together (old + yearling + youngsters).
When the end of the season approaches the racing hens (old + yearling) can race on nestposition, they are being coupled against the young cocks .

In a matter of medication they trust on the guidance of vet Dr. Emiel Demeester (Izegem) who visits them before the start of the season for the necessary vaccinations and control for the known things. Against trichomoniases they give the known 'yellow drops' on a regular base. They also get on a regular base amino acids and vitamin B.
As long as the results are oke, a visit to the vet is being avoided and also any medication is being brought backt to a minimum. 

The food is being composed by themselves according the efforts the pigeons have to deliver. These are always being weight off and they all get 30gr ad day. 
*Firts prizes 2019:
06/04  1°,2°,3°  116b.      Clermont yearling 
05/05  1° 118b.                 Fontenay old
05/05  1° 370b.                 Clermont old
05/05  1° 141b.                                 Clermont yearling 
26/05  1°,2°,3°,4° 284b  Arras youngsters
01/06  1°,2°,3°  257b.      Clermont youngsters
22/06  1° 170b.                 Fontenay old
22/06  1°,2°  77b.                              Fontenayyearling 
29/06  1° 53b                   Fontenay old
06/07  1° 130b.                 Fontenay old
13/07  1°,2°,3°  205b.      Chateaudunyoungsters
                zone A2 1°  5023b.
                prov.  1° 7622b.
20/07  1° 57b.                   Chateaudun old
                zone A2 1°  565b.
                prov.  1° 1117b.
29/07  1°,2°  16b.              Fontenay old
03/08  1°,2°  44b.              Pontoise old
24/08  1° 48b.                   Chateaudunyoungsters

*Championships 2019:
1° Champion youngsters Moen 
1°  Champion youngsters Schelde Verbond
2°  Champion old&yl Moen
3°  Championold&yl Schelde Verbond
4°  Champion youngsters Interwestvlaamse 
4°  Champion youngsters N.K.V. Kortrijk