
Dobbelaere Philippe (Olsene): 1st Interprovincial Chateaudun 4,068 youngsters

21 Aug 2024

Just a few weeks ago, Aug. 3 to be exact, we were standing in the cozy porch of family Dobbelaere Philippe from Olsene. In our hands the “Golden Remco”, which a few hours earlier had won the national victory from Tulle (611km) against 4,964 old birds. 

While we were judging “Golden Remco” full of admiration, the result of Interprov. Orleans fell into Philippe's mailbox. Against 7,775 youngsters, they won the 1st-2nd-5th-11th-76th-203th-228th-267th-370th-667th-672nd-708th-711th etc. prize. Apparently the forme was not only in the widower team but also in the youngster team because the week before they won, also from Orleans, against 7,685 youngsters: 2-28-29-34-47-47-62-71-72-76-104-122-141-142-153-160-243-246-265-338-348-387-391-434-440-445-477- etc...

And also on the preparatory flights from Clermont, Philippe's youngster team sprinted home with a lot of grinta
23/06 Clermont 474 youngsters: 1-2-3-4-5-6-9-9-12-13-14-16-17-18-24-26-27-28-31-34-35 etc...
29/06 Clermont 581 young: 1-2-3-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-17-18-20-21-22-23-25-26-27-28-35-36-enz

And then now, last weekend 18/08, it was bingo again. Interprovincial Chateaudun had a participation of 4,068 youngsters and with an average speed of 1321.16 m/m, cock “B24-4026763” beat the whole bunch. And again the whole youngsters team performed top: 4,068 youngsters: 1-8-11-20-21-22-26-52-53-77-99-102-116-117-118-127-132-138-157-171 - 239-246-291-308-310-493-534-734 (28/38). 

Spicy detail, this young guy also won the 2nd Interprov. Orleans against 7,775 youngsters 14 days ago. “The 763” was promptly renamed ‘Superson’ because he is a direct son of that other topper ‘Super Jan’ and then we are talking about the 1st National ace KBDB All-round young pigeons and 5th National ace KBDB great middle distance young pigeons. 
Mother is “Jane”, a half sister of the 1st National Jarnac. 

With 3 more national races for the young pigeons on the program, if the wind blows a bit more in favor of Olsene, there could well be a bang on the national level. 

Stefan Mertens