
阿兰·克雷特(Alain Créteur)荣获查特鲁总4024羽最快速鸽1位和2位

06 Jun 2024

The 4,024 pigeons on the Semi-National Châteauroux flight, organised by AWC, were released on Monday 3 June, with a light north wind, and it was Alain Créteur from Amougies (Mont-de-l'Enclus) who won the first 2 prizes against 2,224 old birds. These were also the 2 fastest of all 4,024 Chateauroux racers.

The winning pigeon was "SPITFIRE" (BE22-4058134), a little blue cock who put in a phenomenal performance by beating his teammate by almost 5 minutes. " Spitfire " made an average speed of 1254.849 m/m for a distance of 456.117 km. 

Remarkably, Alain achieved a 100% score, this in both the old and yearling pigeon category

- 2,224 old birds : 1, 2, 13, 31, 110, 334, 384 (7/7)
- 1,800 yearlings : 56, 90, 211 (3/3)                                           

Alain Créteur, a 55-year-old teacher, can count on the invaluable help of his wife Emmanuelle and their 2 sons (Arnaud 22y. and Antoine 26y.), who are always ready to lend a hand to ensure the smooth running of the colony. He would also like to thank the Gevaert-Van Schoorisse team from Ronse for this victory, as Jean-Pierre Gevaert and Alain Créteur have been friends for more than 30 years (Jean-Pierre is regularly present at the arrivals of Alain's pigeons since he stopped pigeon racing). The majority of the pigeons are from 'Gevaert-Van Schoorisse' lineage, a great Belgian champion who also won 2 first national victories (Bourges and Argenton). The pedigree of the Châteauroux winner also contains the blood of 'Poupol', winner of the 1st Nat. Bourges in 2006. Recently toppers from the 'Patrick Cherain' colony (Bleid) have also been used to move more towards long distance.

In terms of results, Alain Créteur has already achieved some top performances in recent years and I will only mention the most notable ones (large middle distance flights) 

- 1st Vierzon AWC 2018 of 4,407 yearlings and highest speed of 8,147 pigeons (old + yearlings)

- In 2023 4 x top-100 - national:
12th Nat. and 24th Nat. Argenton 8,777 old
13th Nat. Argenton 14,174 yearlings
35th Nat. Bourges 21,075 old

- In 2024
22nd Nat. Bourges 24,006 old

Colony composition and method :

Alain Créteur's colony is very small in terms of the number of pigeons present. Alain has only 6 breeding couples, 28 cocks played according to the classic widowhood system and 3 racing hens. Each year, 50 youngsters are bred, 30 of which are played using the 'sliding door' system, the others are offered as donations for vouchers. Before the season, the racers do not breed. 

Before basketing, the cocks always see their hens and to simplify matters, the hens are released gewonn on the floor of the loft. Widowers that are not basketed that weekend are then taken from the loft, so only the cocks that are basketed see their hens.

Feeding and care:

The menu for the racers includes the 'Beyers' mixtures (based on advice from Benoit of the Van Parys-Debusschere tandem), Galaxy Long Distance on their return, then Galaxy Sport Light and finally Galaxy Sport Energy + Galaxy Long Distance as final meals before basketing. On their return from the races, the racers are given freshly prepared tea, as well as honey/pollen mixed with cereals, homemade by Alain, who has his own hives. Beyers Energy Condition vitamins are also given twice a week.

In terms of care, the pigeons are vaccinated by vet Jonckers in Chièvres against paramyxovirosis, smallpox and rotavirus (young pigeons). Alain is against blind cures and the vet is rarely called in during the season.

Congratulations again to this magnificent colony, skilfully managed by Alain Créteur, on behalf of Team Herbots.

Bernard Henry