
菲利普·德马瑟尼尔(De Maeseneer Philip)荣获奥瑞克省赛老鸽组1,191羽冠军 - 总2,770羽最快速鸽

20 Jul 2023

For those who follow Belgian pigeon racing a little, the name De Maeseneer Philippe will not sound strange to their ears. Indeed, in 2020 Philip gained international fame as his cock "De Finman" (B20-4075225) crowned 1st National ace KBDB youngsters on the national races. With top results such as 1st prov. Argenton 5,225b., 5th prov. Chateauroux 3,525b. and 25th prov. Bourges 6,538b. he scored a coefficient of 0.5150% and herewith "The Finman" beat the youngsters of Wouters Marcel (0.7173%) and Stefaan Lambrechts (1.0068%). 


Meanwhile, a provincial victory from Montoire, among others, was already won and last weekend the provincial palm from Aurillac was nailed against the proverbial ceiling. We meet an overjoyed Philip as we congratulate him. "Well...We had started the new season super. On the first provincial flight from Vierzon, we won the first three prizes in local Gooik both with the yearlings and the old birds. We didn't know what happened to us. But afterwards it went a bit less, not in terms of number of prizes but in terms of real top prizes we were a bit hungry. On Argenton III (the replacement for La Souterraine) there was improvement again and then I decided together with my dad to cross our pigeons to Limoges. On Limoges we started with 1st and 7th prize locally against 435 yearlings and 3rd locally with the old birds. Provincially against 2,451 yearlings our name is behind place 4. With such results, as a fancier you are allowed to go outside for once. 
The week after Limoges the cocks stayed at home and the hens saw the release from Noyon to then slide Aurillac under their wings last weekend with a nice victory as a result.
Club Ninove: 
225 old: 1-2-9-23 etc.
294 yearlings: 3-12-18-21 etc..
Provincial: 1st against 1,191 olds and also the fastest of 2,770d. 

The basis

Philip says: "In 2009, I completed my first loft list. Like any starting fancier, I played speed (150km) and middle distance (300km). I did it mainly with pigeons from Rene Sterckx. Since after a few years the number of pigeons participating in these flights decreased, we decided to focus more on the large middle distance flights, read national flights. It must have been 2011 that we contacted Gaby Vandenabeele and were allowed to bring 16 rings to Dentergem. When these were collected from Gaby, they all got a box on the breeding loft and we can say after a few years that this was not a bad investment. So the father of "De Finman" was born out of 2 Vandenabeele pigeons and in 2018 we won the 2nd prov. Argenton and the father of this winner was also born out of the "Vandenabeeles". Especially in crossing, the "Vandenabeeles" were more than successful. 
A third line on our breeding loft are the original Tom Van Gaver pigeons. A few years back, by chance, I was sitting at the same table as Tom during the celebration of the national KBDB champions. We got talking and it clicked immediately. I bought a voucher from Tom on a local champions' day and in no time I was in the yard of this great champion. In the meantime, we have become friends and I can say that half of my breeding loft consists of Tom Van Gaver pigeons. 
Other investments were made with Andre Roodhooft. Via Jef Schaumans (the previous owner of the well-known brasserie "De Rare Vos" in Schepdaal) I came into contact with Andre and one thing led to another and in Pulderbos I was allowed to put 7 youngsters from the 4th round out of his breeders in my basket. 
Very recently, I got pigeons from Jelle Roziers. These will be paired for the first time next breeding season. 

"Aurelie" wins

The 2023 season was started at Denderwindeke with a group of 28 widowers and 30 hens. Of this group, 15 couples are played on total widowhood and the others have a fixed home partner. Provincial winner "Aurelie" (B20-4075278) is in the group with a stay-at-home partner. When asked if "Aurelie" was specially motivated, Philip could not immediately give an answer. Philip : "Aurelie also won several top prizes in previous seasons and this season she won the 14th National Zone against 1,990 pigeons on Limoges. So with the forme she was fine". "Aurelie" will fly Noyon next weekend and then Souillac and Tulle are still on the programme. 

Feeding is from light to heavy and for this the mixtures of Beyers (Galaxy mixtures) and Aïdi (Mix 2 and 3) are on the menu. 
By-products such as Belgasol (De Weerd) , Herba zyma (Beyers), Tollyamin Forte (schroëder), eye drops "Ogen troost" (Vanhee) are provided weekly. 
Medically, vet Vandercruyssen was visited before the start of the season, but everything was OK. As the season was started super, the medicine cabinet remained closed and even during the "slightly down" period, it was decided not to give a cure. Only against trichomoniosis a yellow drop is given weekly. 
Despite his busy job as manager of brasserie "Folensela" in Vollezele, where the meat is delivered directly from the butcher's shop of father Ludo and mother Pascale, Philip finds the ideal relaxation in pigeon racing. 
We are convinced that this provincial victory will certainly not be his last. 
Congratulations again from the whole Herbots team


Stefan Mertens