
Herbots Brothers (Halle-Booienhoven) A unique season with "The Flup" as the absolute leader

02 Jan 2024

Halle-Booienhoven: Herbots brothers...or should we say Herbots family because there in the Dungelstraat every family member is enthusiastically involved with the pigeons in one way or another. The Herbots home is always convivial... everyone is welcome and everyone is welcomed with a smile. The coffee pot is always full, a biscuit or other snack is offered with pleasure. 


The 2023 season was one to frame. Their flying team impressed at national level like never before. At the beginning of the season, despite the racing team's condition being more than good, the prevailing easterly wind played a disadvantage in their ability to compete with the best at national level, but once the wind blew in from a more westerly direction, it was all over. 

In the month of July, when long distance races follow each other in quick succession, their racing team struck sharp and deadly as daggers and won 8 x Top-10 national and 29 x Top-50 national


3  NAT SOUILLAC 4,827 Ob  711 km
7  NAT  NARBONNE 5,000 Ob  867 km
7   NAT  SOUILLAC  4,827 Ob  711 km
8  NAT  AURILLAC  6,512 Yl    685 km
9  NAT LIMOGES 7,211 Ob  652 km
9 NAT  AURILLAC  5,342 Ob  685 km
9 NAT   LIBOURNE  3,880 Ob  784 km
10 NAT  SOUILLAC  4,827 Ob  711 km
13 NAT  LIMOGES 7,211 Ob  652 km
18 NAT  AURILLAC  6,512 Yl    685 km
19 NAT  BOURGES 19,369 Yb  454 km
21 NAT  TULLE 7,813 Yl    635 km
22 NAT  TULLE 7,813 Yl    635 km
22  NAT AURILLAC 6,512 Yl    685 km
24 NAT  AURILLAC 5,342 Ob  685 km
26 NAT  SOUILLAC  4,827 Ob  711 km
30 NAT  LIMOGES 8,970 Yl    652 km
35 NAT  TULLE   4,982 Ob  635 km
36 NAT  LIMOGES 8,970 Yl    652 km
36 NAT  LIMOGES 7,211 Ob  652 km
36 NAT  TULLE  4,982 Ob  635 km
36 NAT SOUILLAC 6,085 Yl    711 km
37 NAT SOUILLAC 6,085 Yl    711 km
42 NAT  SOUILLAC 6,085 Yl    711 km
44 NAT  SOUILLAC 6,085 Yl    711 km
44 NAT  SOUILLAC  4,827 Ob  711 km
45 NAT  ARGENTON 11,295 Ob 534 km
46 NAT  AURILLAC  5,342 Ob  685 km
49 NAT  LIMOGES  8,970 Yl    652 km
52 NAT  ARGENTON 15,210 Yl   534 km
59 NAT  AURILLAC  6,512 Yl    685 km
61 NAT  SOUILLAC  4,827 Ob  711 km
70 NAT  AURILLAC 6,512 Yl    685 km
76 NAT  AURILLAC 6,512 Yl    685 km
80 NAT  AURILLAC 5,342 Ob  685 km
81 NAT  AURILLAC 5,342 Ob  685 km
84 NAT  BOURGES 9,922 Ob  454 km
84 NAT  TULLE   7,813 Yl    635 km
85 NAT AURILLAC 6,512 Yl    685 km
93 NAT  ARGENTON 15,210 Yl   534 km
94 NAT AURILLAC  6,512 Yl    685 km
103 NAT BOURGES 20,328 Yb  454 km
104 NAT  BOURGES 19,369 Yb  454 km 
105 NAT  TULLE  7,813 Yl    635 km


"The Flup"...masterfully imposing

Miet, Jo and Raf have to swallow for once when we want to talk about "De Flup" (B21-2130124). "De Flup" is probably one of the best pigeons that ever cleaved the Belgian skies. Jo, who can already put several decades of experience in the international pigeon world on the table, puts it succinctly "Never experienced before! Such performance in 1 month (July 2023), we have never seen this with anyone before".

We can only agree and there are no superlatives enough to do full justice to this historic performance:

7th National Souillac 4,827d.  - 711km
9th National Limoges 7,211d. - 652km
9th National Aurillac 5,342d. - 685km
9th National Libourne 3,880d. - 784km

1st National ace KBDB over 4 long-distance races old birds 2023
1st Provincial ace KBDB long-distance pigeon 2023
3rd World Best Pigeon 
4th Olympiad pigeon Cat. H

For Miet, Jo, Raf and the rest of the Herbots family, there is an extra emotional value attached to the performance of "De Flup". How proud would father Flip, who passed away from us on 30 November 2022, not have been!

"Thanks also to our team of loftmanagers" Jo continues "Geoffrey who is main loftmanager  and assisted by Bjorn, Christophe and Viktor. Without them, this would definitely not be possible"

Surely the strength of a breeding loft is so important

The search for the very best the international pigeon sport has to offer is and remains one of the Herbots family's primordial activities. If they know a top loft somewhere, it tickles their fancy to transfer it to their breeding loft because the strength of your breeding loft translates into performance on the racing loft. 

We would like to introduce to you:

"Supreme" B16-3031667

Impressed at Godfried Verstichele with 1st National Tulle 6,206d. (615km) and 2nd National Argenton 11,838d. (504km). After his national victory, "Supreme" was transferred to the Herbots breeding loft where he is father of:

1st I-prov. Lorris 2,318b. 
1st Melun 665b. 
1st Lorris 203b. 
1st Nanteuil 559b.
2nd National Souillac 4,571b.
3rd National Souillac 4,827b.
37th National Souillac 6,085b.
6th Lennik 2,434b. 

But even in the 2nd generation, the winner's blood of "Supreme" knows its way around:
1st Prov and 11th National Issoudun 12,349d.
1st against 2,600d.
3rd against 6,500d.

"Bachelor" B21-2130289

In the 2021 season, family Herbots won the national flight from Chateauroux. Their "Bachelor" was not only the fastest against 18,741 youngsters but also showed his tail to all 21,070 Chateauroux racers.

A breeding box was additionally shined up and "Bachelor" was promoted to breeder. 

"Bachelor" was already father of:

19th National ace KBDB Fond  
8th National Aurillac 6,512d. 
42nd National Souillac 6,085b. 
103rd National Bourges 20,328d. 

And how about his grandchildren who won 1st Trelou 295d. and 1st Sourdun 259d. among others


 “Olympic Boss” B14-2313054
First performing super strong himself and then excelling as a breeder, "Olympic Boss" is a clear example of this. He himself won: 

1st Olympiad pigeon Cat. H - Brussels '17
3rd Olympiad pigeon Cat. D - All-round (11 flights) Brussels '17

Is father of, among others, "Lady Boss", winner of:

2nd Provincial ace KBDB large middle distance '17
1st Prov. Chateauroux 1,511d. 
1st S-Nat. Vierzon 1,997b.
3rd Iprov. Argenton 1029d. 
4th Iprov. Argenton 854d.
5th S-Nat. Bourges 2,715d.

"Olympic Boss" has it from no strangers as "Big Boss" won at Wolfgang Roeper Olympiad pigeon Nitra '13 and 1st national ace pigeon Germany


"Olympic Jules" B17-1143822


1st Olympiad pigeon youngsters cat. G – 2019
1st National ace KBDB Speed youngsters 2018
Belgium's best speed pigeon - KBDB - period 2013-2019

Bred in 2 generations:
1st Marne 818b. 
1st Quievrain 709b. 
2nd Quievrain 2,577b. 
2nd Momignies 1,488b. 
2nd S-Nat Argenton 2,151b. 
4th Iprov. Bourges 1,722b. 
27th National Argenton 26,085b. 
31st National Bourges 22,505b. 

As you know, Jo Herbots is always looking for exceptional pigeons. Not only for his extensive international clientele but also to strengthen his own breeding loft. National ace pigeons, (inter)national winners, Olympiad pigeons... only the very best are allocated a breeding box. 

Exclusively for internet sales Pigeon Bids, Herbots Gebroeders offer a unique group of young pigeons from the top breeding stock 
This auction ends wednesday 3 January at 2 p.m. (c.e.t.)