
Hollanders Kenny (Berlaar): 1st National Argenton 15,210 yearbirds - fastest 26,469b.

24 Jun 2023

1st National Argenton 15,210 yearbirds - fastest 26,469b.

Distance: 549km

Velocity: 1.281,78 m/m

"Too bad I didn't see them arrive" Kenny begins his story "Children and grandchildren were here playing in the pool and when I went on the internet to look at the speeds of the first pigeons I saw that my name was listed at the top. When you see that, your heart skips a few beats and you run to the loft to see if that is all correct. And indeed my blue hen "B22-6120169" was sitting proudly next to her cock. With an average speed of 1281.78 m/m, she turned out to be not only the fastest in her category but also the very fastest of 26,505 Argenton pigeons. An indescribable feeling.
Since 2020 with hens
"For more than 50 years I have been a fancier and like so many with known highs and lows. My colony was built with pigeons from Maurice Hasendonckx (via Willy Anthonis), Karel Laenen (with the Rudy Van Reet pigeons), Dockx Gerryen Leo, Vic de Wilde and Van Eynde Rudy.
Playing widowers was sacred to me until I started playing hens as well in 2020. I pulled the card of total widowhood and suddenly I clocked many more top prizes than before and this thanks to the hens. So last season I won the 1st Interprovincial Vierzon against 8,897 old birds and now the national victory. 
Racing with the hens was also a search for the best method for me. To avoid mutual mating, I had a small aviary installed in front of my pigeon department. Generally, this is not too bad, but you still have to be attentive as a fancier. During the day, the hens are in the small aviary and at night they sleep in their "night loft". 
The cocks, like widowers, are in their living box. A yes before I forget, my racing team consists of 20 cocks and 23 hens. 
Fanciers who know me know that I am a family man. Our family has 7 grandchildren and with a lot of love and pleasure we help out where necessary. Taking them to school or picking them up, taking them to their friends or their hobby. My wife and I are always ready and that's why the old and yearling birds only train in the evening. First the cocks and then the hens. How long they train varies from day to day. 
Since this year, the Aida mixtures have been on the menu. During the week a good basic mixture but from Wednesday on it is Mix 3. 
Medically, after Argenton, they received a tricho cure for 3 days as they had not yet received this. Vet Cottenie from Ranst is my adviser, his advice is being followed. 
In terms of motivation, I work in a constructive way. The first speed and middle distance flights are not allowed to be combined with basketing. Only from the 3rd or 4th provincial flight are they only allowed to cuddle each other. I make sure nothing more happens. I don't lose sleep over it should it happen but rather not. 

Kenny, congratulations again from the whole Herbots team. Enjoy your family, enjoy the nice results of your pigeons. Good luck


Stefan Mertens